How to use Datumaro

As a standalone tool or a Python module:

datum --help

python -m datumaro --help
python datumaro/ --help
python --help

As a Python library:

import datumaro as dm
dataset = dm.Dataset.import_from(path, format)


  • Basic concepts:

    • Dataset - A collection of dataset items, which consist of media and associated annotations.
    • Dataset item - A basic single element of the dataset. Also known as “sample”, “entry”. In different datasets it can be an image, a video frame, a whole video, a 3d point cloud etc. Typically, has corresponding annotations.
    • (Datumaro) Project - A combination of multiple datasets, plugins, models and metadata.
  • Project versioning concepts:

    • Data source - A link to a dataset or a copy of a dataset inside a project. Basically, a URL + dataset format name.
    • Project revision - A commit or a reference from Git (branch, tag, HEAD~3 etc.). A revision is referenced by data hash. The HEAD revision is the currently selected revision of the project.
    • Revision tree - A project build tree and plugins at a specified revision.
    • Working tree - The revision tree in the working directory of a project.
    • data source revision - a state of a data source at a specific stage. A revision is referenced by the data hash.
    • Object - The data of a revision tree or a data source revision. An object is referenced by the data hash.
  • Dataset path concepts:

    • Dataset revpath - A path to a dataset in a special format. They are supposed to specify paths to files, directories or data source revisions in a uniform way in the CLI.

      • dataset path - a path to a dataset in the following format: <dataset path>:<format>

        • format is optional. If not specified, will try to detect automatically
      • revision path - a path to a data source revision in a project. The syntax is: <project path>@<revision>:<target name>, any part can be omitted.

        • Default project is the current project (-p/--project CLI arg.) Local revpaths imply that the current project is used and this part should be omitted.
        • Default revision is the working tree of the project
        • Default build target is project

        If a path refers to project (i.e. target name is not set, or this target is exactly specified), the target dataset is the result of joining all the project data sources. Otherwise, if the path refers to a data source revision, the corresponding stage from the revision build tree will be used.

  • Dataset building concepts:

    • Stage - A revision of a dataset - the original dataset or its modification after transformation, filtration or something else. A build tree node. A stage is referred by a name.
    • Build tree - A directed graph (tree) with root nodes at data sources and a single top node called project, which represents a joined dataset. Each data source has a starting root node, which corresponds to the original dataset. The internal graph nodes are stages.
    • Build target - A data source or a stage name. Data source names correspond to the last stages of data sources.
    • Pipeline - A subgraph of a stage, which includes all the ancestors.
  • Other:

    • Transform - A transformation operation over dataset elements. Examples are image renaming, image flipping, image and subset renaming, label remapping etc. Corresponds to the transform command.

Command-line workflow

In Datumaro, most command-line commands operate on projects, but there are also few commands operating on datasets directly. There are 2 basic ways to use Datumaro from the command-line:

  • Use the convert, diff, merge commands directly on existing datasets

  • Create a Datumaro project and operate on it:

Basically, a project is a combination of datasets, models and environment.

A project can contain an arbitrary number of datasets (data sources). A project acts as a manager for them and allows to manipulate them separately or as a whole, in which case it combines dataset items from all the sources into one composite dataset. You can manage separate datasets in a project by commands in the datum source command line context.

Note that modifying operations (transform, filter, patch) are applied in-place to the datasets by default.

If you want to interact with models, you need to add them to the project first using the model add command.

A typical way to obtain Datumaro projects is to export tasks in CVAT UI.

Project data model

project model

Datumaro tries to combine a “Git for datasets” and a build system like make or CMake for datasets in a single solution. Currently, Project represents a Version Control System for datasets, which is based on Git and DVC projects. Each project Revision describes a build tree of a dataset with all the related metadata. A build tree consists of a number of data sources and transformation stages. Each data source has its own set of build steps (stages). Datumaro supposes copying of datasets and working in-place by default. Modifying operations are recorded in the project, so any of the dataset revisions can be reproduced when needed. Multiple dataset versions can be stored in different branches with the common data shared.

Let’s consider an example of a build tree: build tree There are 2 data sources in the example project. The resulting dataset is obtained by simple merging (joining) the results of the input datasets. “Source 1” and “Source 2” are the names of data sources in the project. Each source has several stages with their own names. The first stage (called “root”) represents the original contents of a data source - the data at the user-provided URL. The following stages represent operations, which needs to be done with the data source to prepare the resulting dataset.

Roughly, such build tree can be created by the following commands (arguments are omitted for simplicity):

datum create

# describe the first source
datum import <...> -n source1
datum filter <...> source1
datum transform <...> source1
datum transform <...> source1

# describe the second source
datum import <...> -n source2
datum model add <...>
datum transform <...> source2
datum transform <...> source2

Now, the resulting dataset can be built with:

datum export <...>

Project layout

├── .dvc/
├── .dvcignore
├── .git/
├── .gitignore
├── .datumaro/
│   ├── cache/ # object cache
│   │   └── <2 leading symbols of obj hash>/
│   │       └── <remaining symbols of obj hash>/
│   │           └── <object data>
│   │
│   ├── models/ # project-specific models
│   │
│   ├── plugins/ # project-specific plugins
│   │   ├── plugin1/ # composite plugin, a directory
│   │   |   ├──
│   │   |   └──
│   │   ├── # simple plugin, a file
│   │   └── ...
│   │
│   ├── tmp/ # temp files
│   └── tree/ # working tree metadata
│       ├── config.yml
│       └── sources/
│           ├── <source name 1>.dvc
│           ├── <source name 2>.dvc
│           └── ...
├── <source name 1>/ # working directory for the source 1
│   └── <source data>
└── <source name 2>/ # working directory for the source 2
    └── <source data>

Datasets and Data Sources

A project can contain an arbitrary number of Data Sources. Each Data Source describes a dataset in a specific format. A project acts as a manager for the data sources and allows to manipulate them separately or as a whole, in which case it combines dataset items from all the sources into one composite dataset. You can manage separate sources in a project by commands in the datum source command line context.

Datasets come in a wide variety of formats. Each dataset format defines its own data structure and rules on how to interpret the data. For example, the following data structure is used in COCO format:

- /images/<id>.jpg
- /annotations/

Datumaro supports complete datasets, having both image data and annotations, or incomplete ones, having annotations only. Incomplete datasets can be used to prepare images and annotations independently of each other, or to analyze or modify just the lightweight annotations without the need to download the whole dataset.

Check supported formats for more info about format specifications, supported import and export options and other details. The list of formats can be extended by custom plugins, check extending tips for information on this topic.

Use cases

Let’s consider few examples describing what Datumaro does for you behind the scene.

The first example explains how working trees, working directories and the cache interact. Suppose, there is a dataset which we want to modify and export in some other format. To do it with Datumaro, we need to create a project and register the dataset as a data source:

datum create
datum import <...> -n source1

The dataset will be copied to the working directory inside the project. It will be added to the project working tree.

After the dataset is added, we want to transform it and filter out some irrelevant samples, so we run the following commands:

datum transform <...> source1
datum filter <...> source1

The commands modify the data source inside the working directory, inplace. The operations done are recorded in the working tree.

Now, we want to make a new version of the dataset and make a snapshot in the project cache. So we commit the working tree:

datum commit <...>

cache interaction diagram 1

At this time, the data source is copied into the project cache and a new project revision is created. The dataset operation history is saved, so the dataset can be reproduced even if it is removed from the cache and the working directory. Note, however, that the original dataset hash was not computed, so Datumaro won’t be able to compare dataset hash on re-downloading. If it is desired, consider making a commit with an unmodified data source.

After this, we do some other modifications to the dataset and make a new commit. Note that the dataset is not cached, until a commit is done.

When the dataset is ready and all the required operations are done, we can export it to the required format. We can export the resulting dataset, or any previous stage.

datum export <...> source1
datum export <...> source1.stage3

Let’s extend the example. Imagine we have a project with 2 data sources. Roughly, it corresponds to the following set of commands:

datum create
datum import <...> -n source1
datum import <...> -n source2
datum transform <...> source1 # used 3 times
datum transform <...> source2 # used 5 times

Then, for some reasons, the project cache was cleaned from source1 revisions. We also don’t have anything in the project working directories - suppose, the user removed them to save disk space.

Let’s see what happens, if we call the diff command with 2 different revisions now.

cache interaction diagram 2

Datumaro needs to reproduce 2 dataset revisions requested so that they could be read and compared. Let’s see how the first dataset is reproduced step-by-step:

  1. source1.stage2 will be looked for in the project cache. It won’t be found, since the cache was cleaned.
  2. Then, Datumaro will look for previous source revisions in the cache and won’t find any.
  3. The project can be marked read-only, if we are not working with the “current” project (which is specified by the -p/--project command parameter). In the example, the command is datum diff rev1:... rev2:..., which means there is a project in the current directory, so the project we are working with is not read-only. If a command target was specified as datum diff <project>@<rev>:<source>, the project would be loaded as read-only. If a project is read-only, we can’t do anything more to reproduce the dataset and can only exit with an error (3a). The reason for such behavior is that the dataset downloading can be quite expensive (in terms of time, disk space etc.). It is supposed, that such side-effects should be controlled manually.
  4. If the project is not read-only (3b), Datumaro will try to download the original dataset and reproduce the resulting dataset. The data hash will be computed and hashes will be compared (if the data source had hash computed on addition). On success, the data will be put into the cache.
  5. The downloaded dataset will be read and the remaining operations from the source history will be re-applied.
  6. The resulting dataset might be cached in some cases.
  7. The resulting dataset is returned.

The source2 will be looked for the same way. In our case, it will be found in the cache and returned. Once both datasets are restored and read, they are compared.

Consider other situation. Let’s try to export the source1. Suppose we have a clear project cache and the source1 has a copy in the working directory.

cache interaction diagram 3

Again, Datumaro needs to reproduce a dataset revision (stage) requested.

  1. It looks for the dataset in the working directory and finds some data. If there is no source working directory, Datumaro will try to reproduce the source using the approach described above (1b).
  2. The data hash is computed and compared with the one saved in the history. If the hashes match, the dataset is read and returned (4). Note: we can’t use the cached hash stored in the working tree info - it can be outdated, so we need to compute it again.
  3. Otherwise, Datumaro tries to detect the stage by the data hash. If the current stage is not cached, the tree is the working tree and the working directory is not empty, the working copy is hashed and matched against the source stage list. If there is a matching stage, it will be read and the missing stages will be added. The result might be cached in some cases. If there is no matching stage in the source history, the situation can be contradictory. Currently, an error is raised (3b).
  4. The resulting dataset is returned.

After the requested dataset is obtained, it is exported in the requested format.

To sum up, Datumaro tries to restore a dataset from the project cache or reproduce it from sources. It can be done as long as the source operations are recorded and any step data is available. Note that cache objects share common files, so if there are only annotation differences between datasets, or data sources contain the same images, there will only be a single copy of the related media files. This helps to keep storage use reasonable and avoid unnecessary data copies.


Example: create a project, add dataset, modify, restore an old version

datum create
datum import <path/to/dataset> -f coco -n source1
datum commit -m "Added a dataset"
datum transform -t shapes_to_boxes
datum filter -e '/item/annotation[label="cat" or label="dog"]' -m i+a
datum commit -m "Transformed"
datum checkout HEAD~1 -- source1 # restore a previous revision
datum status # prints "modified source1"
datum checkout source1 # restore the last revision
datum export -f voc -- --save-images