Dataset Management Framework (Datumaro) API and developer manual


The center part of the library is the Dataset class, which represents a dataset and allows to iterate over its elements. DatasetItem, an element of a dataset, represents a single dataset entry with annotations - an image, video sequence, audio track etc. It can contain only annotated data or meta information, only annotations, or all of this.

Basic library usage and data flow:

Extractors -> Dataset -> Converter
          Quality Checking
  1. Data is read (or produced) by one or many Extractors and merged into a Dataset
  2. The dataset is processed in some way
  3. The dataset is saved with a Converter

Datumaro has a number of dataset and annotation features:

  • iteration over dataset elements
  • filtering of datasets and annotations by a custom criteria
  • working with subsets (e.g. train, val, test)
  • computing of dataset statistics
  • comparison and merging of datasets
  • various annotation operations
from datumaro.components.dataset import Dataset
from datumaro.components.extractor import Bbox, Polygon, DatasetItem

# Import and export a dataset
dataset = Dataset.import_from('src/dir', 'voc')
dataset.export('dst/dir', 'coco')

# Create a dataset, convert polygons to masks, save in PASCAL VOC format
dataset = Dataset.from_iterable([
  DatasetItem(id='image1', annotations=[
    Bbox(x=1, y=2, w=3, h=4, label=1),
    Polygon([1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 4], label=2, attributes={'occluded': True}),
], categories=['cat', 'dog', 'person'])
dataset.export('dst/dir', 'voc')

The Dataset class

The Dataset class from the datumaro.components.dataset module represents a dataset, consisting of multiple DatasetItems. Annotations are represented by members of the datumaro.components.extractor module, such as Label, Mask or Polygon. A dataset can contain items from one or multiple subsets (e.g. train, test, val etc.), the list of dataset subsets is available at dataset.subsets.

Datasets typically have annotations, and these annotations can require additional information to be interpreted correctly. For instance, it can include class names, class hierarchy, keypoint connections, class colors for masks, class attributes. This information is stored in dataset.categories, which is a mapping from AnnotationType to a corresponding ...Categories class. Each annotation type can have its Categories. Typically, there will be a LabelCategories object. Annotations and other categories address dataset labels by their indices in this object.

The main operation for a dataset is iteration over its elements. An item corresponds to a single image, a video sequence, etc. There are also few other operations available, such as filtration ( and transformations (dataset.transform). A dataset can be created from extractors or other datasets with Dataset.from_extractors() and directly from items with Dataset.from_iterable(). A dataset is an extractor itself. If it is created from multiple extractors, their categories must match, and their contents will be merged.

A dataset item is an element of a dataset. Its id is a name of a corresponding image. There can be some image attributes, an image and annotations.

from datumaro.components.dataset import Dataset
from datumaro.components.extractor import Bbox, Polygon, DatasetItem

# create a dataset from other datasets
dataset = Dataset.from_extractors(dataset1, dataset2)

# or directly from items
dataset = Dataset.from_iterable([
  DatasetItem(id='image1', annotations=[
    Bbox(x=1, y=2, w=3, h=4, label=1),
    Polygon([1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 4], label=2),
], categories=['cat', 'dog', 'person'])

# keep only annotated images item: len(item.annotations) != 0)

# change dataset labels
  {'cat': 'dog', # rename cat to dog
    'truck': 'car', # rename truck to car
    'person': '', # remove this label
  }, default='delete')

# iterate over elements
for item in dataset:
  print(, item.annotations)

# iterate over subsets as Datasets
for subset_name, subset in dataset.subsets().items():
  for item in subset:
    print(, item.annotations)


Projects are intended for complex use of Datumaro. They provide means of persistence, of extending, and CLI operation for Datasets. A project can be converted to a Dataset with project.make_dataset. Project datasets can have multiple data sources, which are merged on dataset creation. They can have a hierarchy. Project configuration is available in project.config. A dataset can be saved in datumaro_project format.

The Environment class is responsible for accessing built-in and project-specific plugins. For a project, there is an instance of related Environment in project.env.

Library contents

Dataset Formats

The framework provides functions to read and write datasets in specific formats. It is supported by Extractors, Importers, and Converters.

Dataset reading is supported by Extractors and Importers:

  • An Extractor produces a list of DatasetItems corresponding to the dataset. Annotations are available in the DatasetItem.annotations list
  • An Importer creates a project from a data source location

It is possible to add custom Extractors and Importers. To do this, you need to put an Extractor and Importer implementations to a plugin directory.

Dataset writing is supported by Converters. A Converter produces a dataset of a specific format from dataset items. It is possible to add custom Converters. To do this, you need to put a Converter implementation script to a plugin directory.

Dataset Conversions (“Transforms”)

A Transform is a function for altering a dataset and producing a new one. It can update dataset items, annotations, classes, and other properties. A list of available transforms for dataset conversions can be extended by adding a Transform implementation script into a plugin directory.

Model launchers

A list of available launchers for model execution can be extended by adding a Launcher implementation script into a plugin directory.


Datumaro comes with a number of built-in formats and other tools, but it also can be extended by plugins. Plugins are optional components, which dependencies are not installed by default. In Datumaro there are several types of plugins, which include:

  • extractor - produces dataset items from data source
  • importer - recognizes dataset type and creates project
  • converter - exports dataset to a specific format
  • transformation - modifies dataset items or other properties
  • launcher - executes models

A plugin is a regular Python module. It must be present in a plugin directory:

  • <project_dir>/.datumaro/plugins for project-specific plugins
  • <datumaro_dir>/plugins for global plugins

A plugin can be used either via the Environment class instance, or by regular module importing:

from datumaro.components.project import Environment, Project
from datumaro.plugins.yolo_format.converter import YoloConverter

# Import a dataset
dataset = Environment().make_importer('voc')(src_dir).make_dataset()

# Load an existing project, save the dataset in some project-specific format
project = Project.load('project/dir')
project.env.converters.get('custom_format').convert(dataset, save_dir=dst_dir)

# Save the dataset in some built-in format
Environment().converters.get('yolo').convert(dataset, save_dir=dst_dir)
YoloConverter.convert(dataset, save_dir=dst_dir)

Writing a plugin

A plugin is a Python module with any name, which exports some symbols. Symbols, starting with _ are not exported by default. To export a symbol, inherit it from one of the special classes:

from datumaro.components.extractor import Importer, Extractor, Transform
from datumaro.components.launcher import Launcher
from datumaro.components.converter import Converter

The exports list of the module can be used to override default behaviour:

class MyComponent1: ...
class MyComponent2: ...
exports = [MyComponent2] # exports only MyComponent2

There is also an additional class to modify plugin appearance in command line:

from datumaro.components.cli_plugin import CliPlugin

class MyPlugin(Converter, CliPlugin):
    Optional documentation text, which will appear in command-line help

  NAME = 'optional_custom_plugin_name'

  def build_cmdline_parser(self, **kwargs):
    parser = super().build_cmdline_parser(**kwargs)
    # set up argparse.ArgumentParser instance
    # the parsed args are supposed to be used as invocation options
    return parser

Plugin example

- my_plugin1/
- my_plugin1/

my_plugin1/ contents:

from datumaro.components.extractor import Transform, CliPlugin
from .file1 import something, useful

class MyTransform(Transform, CliPlugin):
    NAME = "custom_name" # could be generated automatically

    Some description. The text will be displayed in the command line output.

    def build_cmdline_parser(cls, **kwargs):
        parser = super().build_cmdline_parser(**kwargs)
        parser.add_argument('-q', help="Very useful parameter")
        return parser

    def __init__(self, extractor, q):
        self.q = q

    def transform_item(self, item):
        return item contents:

from datumaro.components.extractor import Extractor

class MyFormat: ...
class _MyFormatConverter(Converter): ...
class MyFormatExtractor(Extractor): ...

exports = [MyFormat] # explicit exports declaration
# MyFormatExtractor and _MyFormatConverter won't be exported


Basically, the interface is divided on contexts and single commands. Contexts are semantically grouped commands, related to a single topic or target. Single commands are handy shorter alternatives for the most used commands and also special commands, which are hard to be put into any specific context. Docker is an example of similar approach.

flowchart LR
    p==create===>str1([Creates a Datumaro project])
    p==import===>str2([Generates a project from other project or dataset in specific format])
    p==export===>str3([Saves dataset in a specific format])
    p==extract===>str4([Extracts subproject by filter])
    p==merge===>str5([Adds new items to project])
    p==diff===>str6([Compares two projects])
    p==transform===>str7([Applies specific transformation to the dataset])
    p==info===>str8([Outputs valuable info])
    s==add===>str9([Adds data source by its URL])
    s==remove===>str10([Remove source dataset])
    m==add===>str11([Registers model for inference])
    m==remove===>str12([Removes model from project])
    m==run===>str13([Executes network for inference])
    d==>c(create)===>str14([Calls project create])
    d==>a(add)===>str15([Calls source add])
    d==>r(remove)===>str16([Calls source remove])
    d==>e(export)===>str17([Calls project export])
    d==>exp(explain)===>str18([Runs inference explanation])

Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) UI pattern is used.

flowchart LR