Format specification

MNIST format specification is available here. Fashion MNIST format specification is available here. MNIST in CSV format specification is available here.

The dataset has few data formats available. Datumaro supports the binary (Python pickle) format and the CSV variant. Each data format is covered by a separate Datumaro format.

Supported formats:

  • Binary (Python pickle) - mnist
  • CSV - mnist_csv

Supported annotation types:

  • Label

The format only supports single channel 28 x 28 images.

Load MNIST dataset

The MNIST dataset is available for free download:

The Fashion MNIST dataset is available for free download:

The MNIST in CSV dataset is available for free download:

There are two ways to create Datumaro project and add MNIST dataset to it:

datum import --format mnist --input-path <path/to/dataset>
# or
datum create
datum add path -f mnist <path/to/dataset>

There are two ways to create Datumaro project and add MNIST in CSV dataset to it:

datum import --format mnist_csv --input-path <path/to/dataset>
# or
datum create
datum add path -f mnist_csv <path/to/dataset>

It is possible to specify project name and project directory run datum create --help for more information.

MNIST dataset directory should have the following structure:

└─ Dataset/
    ├── labels.txt # list of non-digit labels (optional)
    ├── t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz
    ├── t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz
    ├── train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz
    └── train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz

MNIST in CSV dataset directory should have the following structure:

└─ Dataset/
    ├── labels.txt # list of non-digit labels (optional)
    ├── mnist_test.csv
    └── mnist_train.csv

If the dataset needs non-digit labels, you need to add the labels.txt to the dataset folder. For example, labels.txt for Fashion MNIST the following contents:

Ankle boot

Export to other formats

Datumaro can convert MNIST dataset into any other format Datumaro supports. To get the expected result, convert the dataset to formats that support the classification task (e.g. CIFAR-10/100, ImageNet, PascalVOC, etc.) There are few ways to convert MNIST dataset to other dataset format:

datum project import -f mnist -i <path/to/mnist>
datum export -f imagenet -o <path/to/output/dir>
# or
datum convert -if mnist -i <path/to/mnist> -f imagenet -o <path/to/output/dir>

These commands also work for MNIST in CSV if you use mnist_csv instead of mnist.

Export to MNIST

There are few ways to convert dataset to MNIST format:

# export dataset into MNIST format from existing project
datum export -p <path/to/project> -f mnist -o <path/to/export/dir> \
    -- --save-images
# converting to MNIST format from other format
datum convert -if imagenet -i <path/to/imagenet/dataset> \
    -f mnist -o <path/to/export/dir> -- --save-images

Extra options for export to MNIST format:

  • --save-images allow to export dataset with saving images (by default False);
  • --image-ext <IMAGE_EXT> allow to specify image extension for exporting dataset (by default .png).

These commands also work for MNIST in CSV if you use mnist_csv instead of mnist.


Datumaro supports filtering, transformation, merging etc. for all formats and for the MNIST format in particular. Follow user manual to get more information about these operations.

There are few examples of using Datumaro operations to solve particular problems with MNIST dataset:

Example 1. How to create custom MNIST-like dataset

from datumaro.components.dataset import Dataset
from datumaro.components.extractor import Label, DatasetItem

dataset = Dataset.from_iterable([
    DatasetItem(id=0, image=np.ones((28, 28)),
    DatasetItem(id=1, image=np.ones((28, 28)),
], categories=[str(label) for label in range(10)])

dataset.export('./dataset', format='mnist')

Example 2. How to filter and convert MNIST dataset to ImageNet

Convert MNIST dataset to ImageNet format, keep only images with 3 class presented:

# Download MNIST dataset:
datum convert --input-format mnist --input-path <path/to/mnist> \
              --output-format imagenet \
              --filter '/item[annotation/label="3"]'

Examples of using this format from the code can be found in the binary format tests and csv format tests