Command line workflow

The key object is a project, so most CLI commands operate on projects. However, there are few commands operating on datasets directly. A project is a combination of a project’s own dataset, a number of external data sources and an environment. An empty Project can be created by project create command, an existing dataset can be imported with project import command. A typical way to obtain projects is to export tasks in CVAT UI.

If you want to interact with models, you need to add them to project first.

Project structure

└── project/
    ├── .datumaro/
    |   ├── config.yml
    │   ├── .git/
    │   ├── models/
    │   └── plugins/
    │       ├── plugin1/
    │       |   ├──
    │       |   └──
    │       ├──
    │       ├──
    │       └── ...
    ├── dataset/
    └── sources/
        ├── source1
        └── ...