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Command reference

Note: command invocation syntax is subject to change, always refer to command –help output

Available CLI commands:

flowchart LR
    p==create===>str1([Creates a Datumaro project])
    p==import===>str2([Generates a project from other project or dataset in specific format])
    p==export===>str3([Saves dataset in a specific format])
    p==extract===>str4([Extracts subproject by filter])
    p==merge===>str5([Adds new items to project])
    p==diff===>str6([Compares two projects])
    p==transform===>str7([Applies specific transformation to the dataset])
    p==info===>str8([Outputs valuable info])
    s==add===>str9([Adds data source by its URL])
    s==remove===>str10([Remove source dataset])
    m==add===>str11([Registers model for inference])
    m==remove===>str12([Removes model from project])
    m==run===>str13([Executes network for inference])
    d==>c(create)===>str14([Calls project create])
    d==>a(add)===>str15([Calls source add])
    d==>r(remove)===>str16([Calls source remove])
    d==>e(export)===>str17([Calls project export])
    d==>exp(explain)===>str18([Runs inference explanation])

1 - Convert datasets

This command allows to convert a dataset from one format into another. In fact, this command is a combination of project import and project export and just provides a simpler way to obtain the same result when no extra options is needed. A list of supported formats can be found in the --help output of this command.


datum convert --help

datum convert \
    -i <input path> \
    -if <input format> \
    -o <output path> \
    -f <output format> \
    -- [extra parameters for output format]

Example: convert a VOC-like dataset to a COCO-like one:

datum convert --input-format voc --input-path <path/to/voc/> \
              --output-format coco

2 - Create project

The command creates an empty project. Once a Project is created, there are a few options to interact with it.


datum create --help

datum create \
    -o <project_dir>

Example: create an empty project my_dataset

datum create -o my_dataset/

3 - Add and remove data

A Project can contain a number of external Data Sources. Each Data Source describes a way to produce dataset items. A Project combines dataset items from all the sources and its own dataset into one composite dataset. You can manage project sources by commands in the source command line context.

Datasets come in a wide variety of formats. Each dataset format defines its own data structure and rules on how to interpret the data. For example, the following data structure is used in COCO format:

- /images/<id>.jpg
- /annotations/

Supported formats are listed in the command help. Check extending tips for information on extra format support.


datum add --help
datum remove --help

datum add \
    path <path> \
    -p <project dir> \
    -f <format> \
    -n <name>

datum remove \
    -p <project dir> \
    -n <name>

Example: create a project from a bunch of different annotations and images, and generate TFrecord for TF Detection API for model training

datum create
# 'default' is the name of the subset below
datum add path <path/to/coco/instances_default.json> -f coco_instances
datum add path <path/to/cvat/default.xml> -f cvat
datum add path <path/to/voc> -f voc_detection
datum add path <path/to/datumaro/default.json> -f datumaro
datum add path <path/to/images/dir> -f image_dir
datum export -f tf_detection_api

4 - Filter project

This command allows to create a sub-Project from a Project. The new project includes only items satisfying some condition. XPath is used as a query format.

There are several filtering modes available (-m/--mode parameter). Supported modes:

  • i, items
  • a, annotations
  • i+a, a+i, items+annotations, annotations+items

When filtering annotations, use the items+annotations mode to point that annotation-less dataset items should be removed. To select an annotation, write an XPath that returns annotation elements (see examples).


datum filter --help

datum filter \
    -p <project dir> \
    -e '<xpath filter expression>'

Example: extract a dataset with only images which width < height

datum filter \
    -p test_project \
    -e '/item[image/width < image/height]'

Example: extract a dataset with only images of subset train.

datum project filter \
    -p test_project \
    -e '/item[subset="train"]'

Example: extract a dataset with only large annotations of class cat and any non-persons

datum filter \
    -p test_project \
    --mode annotations -e '/item/annotation[(label="cat" and area > 99.5) or label!="person"]'

Example: extract a dataset with only occluded annotations, remove empty images

datum filter \
    -p test_project \
    -m i+a -e '/item/annotation[occluded="True"]'

Item representations are available with --dry-run parameter:


5 - Update project (merge)

This command updates items in a project from another one (check Merge Projects for complex merging).


datum merge --help

datum merge \
    -p <project dir> \
    -o <output dir> \
    <other project dir>

Example: update annotations in the first_project with annotations from the second_project and save the result as merged_project

datum merge \
    -p first_project \
    -o merged_project \

6 - Import project

This command creates a Project from an existing dataset.

Supported formats are listed in the command help. Check extending tips for information on extra format support.


datum import --help

datum import \
    -i <dataset_path> \
    -o <project_dir> \
    -f <format>

Example: create a project from COCO-like dataset

datum import \
    -i /home/coco_dir \
    -o /home/project_dir \
    -f coco

An MS COCO-like dataset should have the following directory structure:

├── annotations/
│   ├── instances_val2017.json
│   ├── instances_train2017.json
├── images/
│   ├── val2017
│   ├── train2017

Everything after the last _ is considered a subset name in the COCO format.

7 - Export project

This command exports a Project as a dataset in some format.

Supported formats are listed in the command help. Check extending tips for information on extra format support.


datum export --help

datum export \
    -p <project dir> \
    -o <output dir> \
    -f <format> \
    -- [additional format parameters]

Example: save project as VOC-like dataset, include images, convert images to PNG

datum export \
    -p test_project \
    -o test_project-export \
    -f voc \
    -- --save-images --image-ext='.png'

8 - Merge projects

This command merges items from 2 or more projects and checks annotations for errors.

Spatial annotations are compared by distance and intersected, labels and attributes are selected by voting. Merge conflicts, missing items and annotations, other errors are saved into a .json file.


datum merge --help

datum merge <project dirs>

Example: merge 4 (partially-)intersecting projects,

  • consider voting succeeded when there are 3+ same votes
  • consider shapes intersecting when IoU >= 0.6
  • check annotation groups to have person, hand, head and foot (? for optional)
datum merge project1/ project2/ project3/ project4/ \
    --quorum 3 \
    -iou 0.6 \
    --groups 'person,hand?,head,foot?'

9 - Compare projects

The command compares two datasets and saves the results in the specified directory. The current project is considered to be “ground truth”.

datum diff --help

datum diff <other_project_dir> -o <save_dir>

Example: compare a dataset with model inference

datum import <...>
datum model add mymodel <...>
datum transform <...> -o inference
datum diff inference -o diff

10 - Obtaining project info

This command outputs project status information.


datum info --help

datum info \
    -p <project dir>


datum info -p /test_project

  name: test_project
  location: /test_project
  source 'instances_minival2014':
    format: coco_instances
    url: /coco_like/annotations/instances_minival2014.json
  length: 5000
  categories: label
      count: 80
      labels: person, bicycle, car, motorcycle (and 76 more)
  subsets: minival2014
    subset 'minival2014':
      length: 5000
      categories: label
          count: 80
          labels: person, bicycle, car, motorcycle (and 76 more)

11 - Obtaining project statistics

This command computes various project statistics, such as:

  • image mean and std. dev.
  • class and attribute balance
  • mask pixel balance
  • segment area distribution


datum stats --help

datum stats \
    -p <project dir>


datum stats -p test_project

    "annotations": {
        "labels": {
            "attributes": {
                "gender": {
                    "count": 358,
                    "distribution": {
                        "female": [
                        "male": [
                    "values count": 2,
                    "values present": [
                "view": {
                    "count": 340,
                    "distribution": {
                        "__undefined__": [
                        "front": [
                        "left": [
                        "rear": [
                        "right": [
                    "values count": 5,
                    "values present": [
            "count": 2038,
            "distribution": {
                "car": [
                "cyclist": [
                "head": [
                "ignore": [
                "left_hand": [
                "person": [
                "right_hand": [
                "road_arrows": [
                "traffic_sign": [
        "segments": {
            "area distribution": [
                    "count": 1318,
                    "max": 11425.1,
                    "min": 0.0,
                    "percent": 0.9627465303140978
                    "count": 1,
                    "max": 22850.2,
                    "min": 11425.1,
                    "percent": 0.0007304601899196494
                    "count": 0,
                    "max": 34275.3,
                    "min": 22850.2,
                    "percent": 0.0
                    "count": 0,
                    "max": 45700.4,
                    "min": 34275.3,
                    "percent": 0.0
                    "count": 0,
                    "max": 57125.5,
                    "min": 45700.4,
                    "percent": 0.0
                    "count": 0,
                    "max": 68550.6,
                    "min": 57125.5,
                    "percent": 0.0
                    "count": 0,
                    "max": 79975.7,
                    "min": 68550.6,
                    "percent": 0.0
                    "count": 0,
                    "max": 91400.8,
                    "min": 79975.7,
                    "percent": 0.0
                    "count": 0,
                    "max": 102825.90000000001,
                    "min": 91400.8,
                    "percent": 0.0
                    "count": 50,
                    "max": 114251.0,
                    "min": 102825.90000000001,
                    "percent": 0.036523009495982466
            "avg. area": 5411.624543462382,
            "pixel distribution": {
                "car": [
                "cyclist": [
                "head": [
                "ignore": [
                "left_hand": [
                "person": [
                "right_hand": [
                "road_arrows": [
                "traffic_sign": [
    "annotations by type": {
        "bbox": {
            "count": 548
        "caption": {
            "count": 0
        "label": {
            "count": 0
        "mask": {
            "count": 0
        "points": {
            "count": 669
        "polygon": {
            "count": 821
        "polyline": {
            "count": 0
    "annotations count": 2038,
    "dataset": {
        "image mean": [
        "image std": [
        "images count": 100
    "images count": 100,
    "subsets": {},
    "unannotated images": [
    "unannotated images count": 5,
    "unique images count": 97,
    "repeating images count": 3,
    "repeating images": [
        [("img00057", "default"), ("img00058", "default")],
        [("img00059", "default"), ("img00060", "default")],
        [("img00061", "default"), ("img00062", "default")],

12 - Validate project annotations

This command inspects annotations with respect to the task type and stores the result in JSON file.

The task types supported are classification, detection, and segmentation.

The validation result contains

  • annotation statistics based on the task type
  • validation reports, such as
    • items not having annotations
    • items having undefined annotations
    • imbalanced distribution in class/attributes
    • too small or large values
  • summary


  • There are five configurable parameters for validation
    • few_samples_thr : threshold for giving a warning for minimum number of samples per class
    • imbalance_ratio_thr : threshold for giving imbalance data warning
    • far_from_mean_thr : threshold for giving a warning that data is far from mean
    • dominance_ratio_thr : threshold for giving a warning bounding box imbalance
    • topk_bins : ratio of bins with the highest number of data to total bins in the histogram
datum validate --help

datum validate -p <project dir> -t <task_type> -- \
    -fs <few_samples_thr> \
    -ir <imbalance_ratio_thr> \
    -m <far_from_mean_thr> \
    -dr <dominance_ratio_thr> \
    -k <topk_bins>

Example : give warning when imbalance ratio of data with classification task over 40

datum validate -p prj-cls -t classification -- \
    -ir 40

Here is the list of validation items(a.k.a. anomaly types).

Anomaly Type Description Task Type
MissingLabelCategories Metadata (ex. LabelCategories) should be defined common
MissingAnnotation No annotation found for an Item common
MissingAttribute An attribute key is missing for an Item common
MultiLabelAnnotations Item needs a single label classification
UndefinedLabel A label not defined in the metadata is found for an item common
UndefinedAttribute An attribute not defined in the metadata is found for an item common
LabelDefinedButNotFound A label is defined, but not found actually common
AttributeDefinedButNotFound An attribute is defined, but not found actually common
OnlyOneLabel The dataset consists of only label common
OnlyOneAttributeValue The dataset consists of only attribute value common
FewSamplesInLabel The number of samples in a label might be too low common
FewSamplesInAttribute The number of samples in an attribute might be too low common
ImbalancedLabels There is an imbalance in the label distribution common
ImbalancedAttribute There is an imbalance in the attribute distribution common
ImbalancedDistInLabel Values (ex. bbox width) are not evenly distributed for a label detection, segmentation
ImbalancedDistInAttribute Values (ex. bbox width) are not evenly distributed for an attribute detection, segmentation
NegativeLength The width or height of bounding box is negative detection
InvalidValue There’s invalid (ex. inf, nan) value for bounding box info. detection
FarFromLabelMean An annotation has an too small or large value than average for a label detection, segmentation
FarFromAttrMean An annotation has an too small or large value than average for an attribute detection, segmentation

Validation Result Format:

    'statistics': {
        ## common statistics
        'label_distribution': {
            'defined_labels': <dict>,   # <label:str>: <count:int>
            'undefined_labels': <dict>
            # <label:str>: {
            #     'count': <int>,
            #     'items_with_undefined_label': [<item_key>, ]
            # }
        'attribute_distribution': {
            'defined_attributes': <dict>,
            # <label:str>: {
            #     <attribute:str>: {
            #         'distribution': {<attr_value:str>: <count:int>, },
            #         'items_missing_attribute': [<item_key>, ]
            #     }
            # }
            'undefined_attributes': <dict>
            # <label:str>: {
            #     <attribute:str>: {
            #         'distribution': {<attr_value:str>: <count:int>, },
            #         'items_with_undefined_attr': [<item_key>, ]
            #     }
            # }
        'total_ann_count': <int>,
        'items_missing_annotation': <list>, # [<item_key>, ]

        ## statistics for classification task
        'items_with_multiple_labels': <list>, # [<item_key>, ]

        ## statistics for detection task
        'items_with_invalid_value': <dict>,
        # '<item_key>': {<ann_id:int>: [ <property:str>, ], }
        # - properties: 'x', 'y', 'width', 'height',
        #               'area(wxh)', 'ratio(w/h)', 'short', 'long'
        # - 'short' is min(w,h) and 'long' is max(w,h).
        'items_with_negative_length': <dict>,
        # '<item_key>': { <ann_id:int>: { <'width'|'height'>: <value>, }, }
        'bbox_distribution_in_label': <dict>, # <label:str>: <bbox_template>
        'bbox_distribution_in_attribute': <dict>,
        # <label:str>: {<attribute:str>: { <attr_value>: <bbox_template>, }, }
        'bbox_distribution_in_dataset_item': <dict>,
        # '<item_key>': <bbox count:int>

        ## statistics for segmentation task
        'items_with_invalid_value': <dict>,
        # '<item_key>': {<ann_id:int>: [ <property:str>, ], }
        # - properties: 'area', 'width', 'height'
        'mask_distribution_in_label': <dict>, # <label:str>: <mask_template>
        'mask_distribution_in_attribute': <dict>,
        # <label:str>: {
        #     <attribute:str>: { <attr_value>: <mask_template>, }
        # }
        'mask_distribution_in_dataset_item': <dict>,
        # '<item_key>': <mask/polygon count: int>
    'validation_reports': <list>, # [ <validation_error_format>, ]
    # validation_error_format = {
    #     'anomaly_type': <str>,
    #     'description': <str>,
    #     'severity': <str>, # 'warning' or 'error'
    #     'item_id': <str>,  # optional, when it is related to a DatasetItem
    #     'subset': <str>,   # optional, when it is related to a DatasetItem
    # }
    'summary': {
        'errors': <count: int>,
        'warnings': <count: int>

item_key is defined as,

item_key = (<>, <DatasetItem.subset:str>)

bbox_template and mask_template are defined as,

bbox_template = {
    'width': <numerical_stat_template>,
    'height': <numerical_stat_template>,
    'area(wxh)': <numerical_stat_template>,
    'ratio(w/h)': <numerical_stat_template>,
    'short': <numerical_stat_template>, # short = min(w, h)
    'long': <numerical_stat_template>   # long = max(w, h)
mask_template = {
    'area': <numerical_stat_template>,
    'width': <numerical_stat_template>,
    'height': <numerical_stat_template>

numerical_stat_template is defined as,

numerical_stat_template = {
    'items_far_from_mean': <dict>,
    # {'<item_key>': {<ann_id:int>: <value:float>, }, }
    'mean': <float>,
    'stdev': <float>,
    'min': <float>,
    'max': <float>,
    'median': <float>,
    'histogram': {
        'bins': <list>,   # [<float>, ]
        'counts': <list>, # [<int>, ]

13 - Register model

Supported models:

  • OpenVINO
  • Custom models via custom launchers


datum model add --help

Example: register an OpenVINO model

A model consists of a graph description and weights. There is also a script used to convert model outputs to internal data structures.

datum create
datum model add \
    -n <model_name> -l open_vino -- \
    -d <path_to_xml> -w <path_to_bin> -i <path_to_interpretation_script>

Interpretation script for an OpenVINO detection model ( You can find OpenVINO model interpreter samples in datumaro/plugins/openvino/samples (instruction).

from datumaro.components.extractor import *

max_det = 10
conf_thresh = 0.1

def process_outputs(inputs, outputs):
    # inputs = model input, array or images, shape = (N, C, H, W)
    # outputs = model output, shape = (N, 1, K, 7)
    # results = conversion result, [ [ Annotation, ... ], ... ]
    results = []
    for input, output in zip(inputs, outputs):
        input_height, input_width = input.shape[:2]
        detections = output[0]
        image_results = []
        for i, det in enumerate(detections):
            label = int(det[1])
            conf = float(det[2])
            if conf <= conf_thresh:

            x = max(int(det[3] * input_width), 0)
            y = max(int(det[4] * input_height), 0)
            w = min(int(det[5] * input_width - x), input_width)
            h = min(int(det[6] * input_height - y), input_height)
            image_results.append(Bbox(x, y, w, h,
                label=label, attributes={'score': conf} ))


    return results

def get_categories():
    # Optionally, provide output categories - label map etc.
    # Example:
    label_categories = LabelCategories()
    return { AnnotationType.label: label_categories }

14 - Run inference

This command applies model to dataset images and produces a new project.


datum model run --help

datum model run \
    -p <project dir> \
    -m <model_name> \
    -o <save_dir>

Example: launch inference on a dataset

datum import <...>
datum model add mymodel <...>
datum model run -m mymodel -o inference

15 - Run inference explanation

Runs an explainable AI algorithm for a model.

This tool is supposed to help an AI developer to debug a model and a dataset. Basically, it executes inference and tries to find problems in the trained model - determine decision boundaries and belief intervals for the classifier.

Currently, the only available algorithm is RISE (article), which runs inference and then re-runs a model multiple times on each image to produce a heatmap of activations for each output of the first inference. As a result, we obtain few heatmaps, which shows, how image pixels affected the inference result. This algorithm doesn’t require any special information about the model, but it requires the model to return all the outputs and confidences. The algorithm only supports classification and detection models.

The following use cases available:

  • RISE for classification
  • RISE for object detection


datum explain --help

datum explain \
    -m <model_name> \
    -o <save_dir> \
    -t <target> \
    <method> \

Example: run inference explanation on a single image with visualization

datum create <...>
datum model add mymodel <...>
datum explain -t image.png -m mymodel \
    rise --max-samples 1000 --progressive

Note: this algorithm requires the model to return all (or a reasonable amount) the outputs and confidences unfiltered, i.e. all the Label annotations for classification models and all the Bboxes for detection models. You can find examples of the expected model outputs in tests/

For OpenVINO models the output processing script would look like this:

Classification scenario:

from datumaro.components.extractor import *
from datumaro.util.annotation_util import softmax

def process_outputs(inputs, outputs):
    # inputs = model input, array or images, shape = (N, C, H, W)
    # outputs = model output, logits, shape = (N, n_classes)
    # results = conversion result, [ [ Annotation, ... ], ... ]
    results = []
    for input, output in zip(inputs, outputs):
        input_height, input_width = input.shape[:2]
        confs = softmax(output[0])
        for label, conf in enumerate(confs):
            results.append(Label(int(label)), attributes={'score': float(conf)})

    return results

Object Detection scenario:

from datumaro.components.extractor import *

# return a significant number of output boxes to make multiple runs
# statistically correct and meaningful
max_det = 1000

def process_outputs(inputs, outputs):
    # inputs = model input, array or images, shape = (N, C, H, W)
    # outputs = model output, shape = (N, 1, K, 7)
    # results = conversion result, [ [ Annotation, ... ], ... ]
    results = []
    for input, output in zip(inputs, outputs):
        input_height, input_width = input.shape[:2]
        detections = output[0]
        image_results = []
        for i, det in enumerate(detections):
            label = int(det[1])
            conf = float(det[2])
            x = max(int(det[3] * input_width), 0)
            y = max(int(det[4] * input_height), 0)
            w = min(int(det[5] * input_width - x), input_width)
            h = min(int(det[6] * input_height - y), input_height)
            image_results.append(Bbox(x, y, w, h,
                label=label, attributes={'score': conf} ))


    return results

16 - Transform Project

This command allows to modify images or annotations in a project all at once.

datum transform --help

datum transform \
    -p <project_dir> \
    -o <output_dir> \
    -t <transform_name> \
    -- [extra transform options]

Example: split a dataset randomly to train and test subsets, ratio is 2:1

datum transform -t random_split -- --subset train:.67 --subset test:.33

Example: split a dataset in task-specific manner. The tasks supported are classification, detection, segmentation and re-identification.

datum transform -t split -- \
    -t classification --subset train:.5 --subset val:.2 --subset test:.3

datum transform -t split -- \
    -t detection --subset train:.5 --subset val:.2 --subset test:.3

datum transform -t split -- \
    -t segmentation --subset train:.5 --subset val:.2 --subset test:.3

datum transform -t split -- \
    -t reid --subset train:.5 --subset val:.2 --subset test:.3 \
    --query .5

Example: convert polygons to masks, masks to boxes etc.:

datum transform -t boxes_to_masks
datum transform -t masks_to_polygons
datum transform -t polygons_to_masks
datum transform -t shapes_to_boxes

Example: remap dataset labels, person to car and cat to dog, keep bus, remove others

datum transform -t remap_labels -- \
    -l person:car -l bus:bus -l cat:dog \
    --default delete

Example: rename dataset items by a regular expression

  • Replace pattern with replacement
  • Remove frame_ from item ids
datum transform -t rename -- -e '|pattern|replacement|'
datum transform -t rename -- -e '|frame_(\d+)|\\1|'

Example: sampling dataset items as many as the number of target samples with sampling method entered by the user, divide into sampled and unsampled subsets

  • There are five methods of sampling the m option.
    • topk: Return the k with high uncertainty data
    • lowk: Return the k with low uncertainty data
    • randk: Return the random k data
    • mixk: Return half to topk method and the rest to lowk method
    • randtopk: First, select 3 times the number of k randomly, and return the topk among them.
datum transform -t sampler -- \
    -a entropy \
    -i train \
    -o sampled \
    -u unsampled \
    -m topk \
    -k 20

Example : control number of outputs to 100 after NDR

  • There are two methods in NDR e option
    • random: sample from removed data randomly
    • similarity: sample from removed data with ascending
  • There are two methods in NDR u option
    • uniform: sample data with uniform distribution
    • inverse: sample data with reciprocal of the number
datum transform -t ndr -- \
    -w train \
    -a gradient \
    -k 100 \
    -e random \
    -u uniform