Add and remove data

A Project can contain a number of external Data Sources. Each Data Source describes a way to produce dataset items. A Project combines dataset items from all the sources and its own dataset into one composite dataset. You can manage project sources by commands in the source command line context.

Datasets come in a wide variety of formats. Each dataset format defines its own data structure and rules on how to interpret the data. For example, the following data structure is used in COCO format:

- /images/<id>.jpg
- /annotations/

Supported formats are listed in the command help. Check extending tips for information on extra format support.


datum add --help
datum remove --help

datum add \
    path <path> \
    -p <project dir> \
    -f <format> \
    -n <name>

datum remove \
    -p <project dir> \
    -n <name>

Example: create a project from a bunch of different annotations and images, and generate TFrecord for TF Detection API for model training

datum create
# 'default' is the name of the subset below
datum add path <path/to/coco/instances_default.json> -f coco_instances
datum add path <path/to/cvat/default.xml> -f cvat
datum add path <path/to/voc> -f voc_detection
datum add path <path/to/datumaro/default.json> -f datumaro
datum add path <path/to/images/dir> -f image_dir
datum export -f tf_detection_api