Filter project

This command allows to create a sub-Project from a Project. The new project includes only items satisfying some condition. XPath is used as a query format.

There are several filtering modes available (-m/--mode parameter). Supported modes:

  • i, items
  • a, annotations
  • i+a, a+i, items+annotations, annotations+items

When filtering annotations, use the items+annotations mode to point that annotation-less dataset items should be removed. To select an annotation, write an XPath that returns annotation elements (see examples).


datum filter --help

datum filter \
    -p <project dir> \
    -e '<xpath filter expression>'

Example: extract a dataset with only images which width < height

datum filter \
    -p test_project \
    -e '/item[image/width < image/height]'

Example: extract a dataset with only images of subset train.

datum project filter \
    -p test_project \
    -e '/item[subset="train"]'

Example: extract a dataset with only large annotations of class cat and any non-persons

datum filter \
    -p test_project \
    --mode annotations -e '/item/annotation[(label="cat" and area > 99.5) or label!="person"]'

Example: extract a dataset with only occluded annotations, remove empty images

datum filter \
    -p test_project \
    -m i+a -e '/item/annotation[occluded="True"]'

Item representations are available with --dry-run parameter:
