Import project

This command creates a Project from an existing dataset.

Supported formats are listed in the command help. Check extending tips for information on extra format support.


datum import --help

datum import \
    -i <dataset_path> \
    -o <project_dir> \
    -f <format>

Example: create a project from COCO-like dataset

datum import \
    -i /home/coco_dir \
    -o /home/project_dir \
    -f coco

An MS COCO-like dataset should have the following directory structure:

├── annotations/
│   ├── instances_val2017.json
│   ├── instances_train2017.json
├── images/
│   ├── val2017
│   ├── train2017

Everything after the last _ is considered a subset name in the COCO format.