Register model
Supported models:
- OpenVINO
- Custom models via custom
datum model add --help
Example: register an OpenVINO model
A model consists of a graph description and weights. There is also a script used to convert model outputs to internal data structures.
datum create
datum model add \
-n <model_name> -l open_vino -- \
-d <path_to_xml> -w <path_to_bin> -i <path_to_interpretation_script>
Interpretation script for an OpenVINO detection model (
You can find OpenVINO model interpreter samples in
from datumaro.components.extractor import *
max_det = 10
conf_thresh = 0.1
def process_outputs(inputs, outputs):
# inputs = model input, array or images, shape = (N, C, H, W)
# outputs = model output, shape = (N, 1, K, 7)
# results = conversion result, [ [ Annotation, ... ], ... ]
results = []
for input, output in zip(inputs, outputs):
input_height, input_width = input.shape[:2]
detections = output[0]
image_results = []
for i, det in enumerate(detections):
label = int(det[1])
conf = float(det[2])
if conf <= conf_thresh:
x = max(int(det[3] * input_width), 0)
y = max(int(det[4] * input_height), 0)
w = min(int(det[5] * input_width - x), input_width)
h = min(int(det[6] * input_height - y), input_height)
image_results.append(Bbox(x, y, w, h,
label=label, attributes={'score': conf} ))
return results
def get_categories():
# Optionally, provide output categories - label map etc.
# Example:
label_categories = LabelCategories()
return { AnnotationType.label: label_categories }