Source code for datumaro.components.format_detection

# Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

import contextlib
import fnmatch
import glob
import logging as log
import os.path as osp
from enum import Enum, IntEnum, auto
from typing import (

from typing_extensions import Protocol

[docs]class FormatDetectionConfidence(IntEnum): """ Represents the level of confidence that a detector has in a dataset belonging to the detector's format. """ LOW = 10 """ The dataset seems to belong to the format, but the format is too loosely defined to be able to distinguish it from other formats. """ MEDIUM = 20 """ The dataset seems to belong to the format, and is likely not to belong to any other format. """
# There's no HIGH confidence yet, because none of the detectors # deserve it. It's reserved for when the detector is sure that # the dataset belongs to the format; for example, because the format # has explicit identification via magic numbers/files. # All confidence levels should be positive for a couple of reasons: # * It makes it possible to use 0 or a negative number as a special # value that is guaranteed to be less than any real value. # * It makes sure that every confidence level is a true value. assert all(level > 0 for level in FormatDetectionConfidence)
[docs]class RejectionReason(Enum): unmet_requirements = auto() insufficient_confidence = auto() detection_unsupported = auto()
class _FormatRejected(Exception): @property def reason(self) -> RejectionReason: raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class FormatRequirementsUnmet(_FormatRejected): """ Represents a situation where a dataset does not meet the requirements of a given dataset format. More specifically, if this exception is raised, then it is necessary (but may not be sufficient) for the dataset to meet at least one of these requirements to be detected as being in that format. Each element of `failed_alternatives` must be a human-readable statement describing a requirement that was not met. Must not be constructed or raised directly; use `FormatDetectionContext` methods. """
[docs] def __init__(self, failed_alternatives: Sequence[str]) -> None: assert failed_alternatives self.failed_alternatives = tuple(failed_alternatives)
def __str__(self) -> str: lines = [] if len(self.failed_alternatives) > 1: lines.append("None of the following requirements were met:") else: lines.append("The following requirement was not met:") lines.extend(" " + req for req in self.failed_alternatives) return "\n".join(lines) @property def reason(self) -> RejectionReason: return RejectionReason.unmet_requirements
[docs]class FormatDetectionUnsupported(_FormatRejected): """ Represents a situation where detection is attempted with a format that does not support it. Must not be constructed or raised directly; use `FormatDetectionContext.raise_unsupported` instead. """ def __str__(self) -> str: return "Detection for this format is unsupported" @property def reason(self) -> RejectionReason: return RejectionReason.detection_unsupported
[docs]class FormatDetectionContext: """ An instance of this class is given to a dataset format detector. See the `FormatDetector` documentation. The class should not be instantiated directly. A context encapsulates information about the dataset whose format is being detected. It also offers methods that place requirements on that dataset. Each such method raises a `FormatRequirementsUnmet` exception if the requirement is not met. If the requirement _is_ met, the return value depends on the method. """ class _OneOrMoreContext: failed_alternatives: List[str] had_successful_alternatives: bool def __init__(self) -> None: self.failed_alternatives = [] self.had_successful_alternatives = False # This points to a `_OneOrMoreContext` when and only when the detector # is directly within a `require_any` block. _one_or_more_context: Optional[_OneOrMoreContext]
[docs] def __init__(self, root_path: str) -> None: self._root_path = root_path self._one_or_more_context = None
@property def root_path(self) -> str: """ Returns the path to the root directory of the dataset. Detectors should avoid using this property in favor of specific requirement methods. """ return self._root_path def _is_path_within_root(self, path: str) -> bool: """ Checks that `path` is a relative path and does not attempt to leave the dataset root by using `..` segments. Requirement-placing methods that use this to verify their arguments should raise a FormatRequirementsUnmet rather than a "hard" error like AssertionError if False is returned. The reason is that the path passed by the detector might not have been hardcoded, and instead might have been acquired from another file in the dataset. In that case, an invalid pattern signifies a problem with the dataset, not with the detector. """ if osp.isabs(path) or osp.splitdrive(path)[0]: return False path = osp.normpath(path) if path.startswith(".." + osp.sep): return False return True def _start_requirement(self, req_type: str) -> None: assert not self._one_or_more_context, ( f"a requirement ({req_type}) can't be placed directly within " "a 'require_any' block" )
[docs] def raise_unsupported(self) -> NoReturn: """ Raises a `FormatDetectionUnsupported` exception to signal that the current format does not support detection. """ raise FormatDetectionUnsupported
[docs] def fail(self, requirement_desc: str) -> NoReturn: """ Places a requirement that is never met. `requirement_desc` must contain a human-readable description of the requirement. """ self._start_requirement("fail") raise FormatRequirementsUnmet((requirement_desc,))
[docs] def require_file( self, pattern: str, *, exclude_fnames: Union[str, Collection[str]] = (), ) -> str: """ Places the requirement that the dataset contains at least one file whose relative path matches the given pattern. The pattern must be a glob-like pattern; `**` can be used to indicate a sequence of zero or more subdirectories. If the pattern does not describe a relative path, or refers to files outside the dataset root, the requirement is considered unmet. If the requirement is met, the relative path to one of the files that match the pattern is returned. If there are multiple such files, it's unspecified which one of them is returned. `exclude_fnames` must be a collection of patterns or a single pattern. If at least one pattern is supplied, then the placed requirement is narrowed to only accept files with names that match none of these patterns. """ self._start_requirement("require_file") return next(self._require_files_iter(pattern, exclude_fnames=exclude_fnames))
[docs] def require_files( self, pattern: str, *, exclude_fnames: Union[str, Collection[str]] = (), ) -> List[str]: """ Same as `require_file`, but returns all matching paths in alphabetical order. """ self._start_requirement("require_files") return sorted(self._require_files_iter(pattern, exclude_fnames=exclude_fnames))
def _require_files_iter( self, pattern: str, *, exclude_fnames: Union[str, Collection[str]] = (), ) -> Iterator[str]: if isinstance(exclude_fnames, str): exclude_fnames = (exclude_fnames,) requirement_desc = f'dataset must contain a file matching pattern "{pattern}"' if exclude_fnames: requirement_desc += ( " (but not named " + ", ".join(f'"{e}"' for e in exclude_fnames) + ")" ) if not self._is_path_within_root(pattern): pattern_abs = osp.join(glob.escape(self._root_path), pattern) none_found = True for path in glob.iglob(pattern_abs, recursive=True): if osp.isfile(path): # Ideally, we should provide a way to filter out whole paths, # not just file names. However, there is no easy way to match an # entire path with a pattern (fnmatch is unsuitable, because # it lets '*' match a slash, which can lead to spurious matches # and is not how glob works). if any(fnmatch.fnmatch(osp.basename(path), pat) for pat in exclude_fnames): continue yield osp.relpath(path, self._root_path) none_found = False if none_found:
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def probe_text_file( self, path: str, requirement_desc: str, ) -> Iterator[TextIO]: """ Returns a context manager that can be used to place a requirement on the contents of the file referred to by `path`. To do so, you must enter and exit this context manager (typically, by using the `with` statement). On entering, the file is opened for reading in text mode and the resulting file object is returned. On exiting, the file object is closed. The requirement that is placed by doing this is considered met if all of the following are true: * `path` is a relative path that refers to a file within the dataset root. * The file is opened successfully. * The context is exited without an exception. If the context is exited with an exception that was produced by another requirement being unmet, that exception is reraised and the new requirement is abandoned. `requirement_desc` must be a human-readable statement describing the requirement. """ self._start_requirement("probe_text_file") requirement_desc_full = f"{path}: {requirement_desc}" if not self._is_path_within_root(path): try: with open(osp.join(self._root_path, path), encoding="utf-8") as f: yield f except _FormatRejected: raise except Exception:
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def require_any(self) -> Iterator[None]: """ Returns a context manager that can be used to place a requirement that is considered met if at least one of several alternative sets of requirements is met. To do so, use a `with` statement, with the alternative sets of requirements represented as nested `with` statements using the context manager returned by `alternative`: .. code-block:: with context.require_any(): with context.alternative(): # place requirements from alternative set 1 here with context.alternative(): # place requirements from alternative set 2 here ... The contents of all `with context.alternative()` blocks will be executed, even if an alternative that is met is found early. Requirements must not be placed directly within a `with context.require_any()` block. """ self._start_requirement("require_any") self._one_or_more_context = self._OneOrMoreContext() try: yield # If at least one `alternative` block succeeded, # then the `require_any` block succeeds. if self._one_or_more_context.had_successful_alternatives: return # If no alternatives succeeded, and none failed, then there were # no alternatives at all. assert self._one_or_more_context.failed_alternatives, ( "a 'require_any' block must contain " "at least one 'alternative' block" ) raise FormatRequirementsUnmet(self._one_or_more_context.failed_alternatives) finally: self._one_or_more_context = None
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def alternative(self) -> Iterator[None]: """ Returns a context manager that can be used in combination with `require_any` to define alternative requirements. See the documentation for `require_any` for more details. Must only be used directly within a `with context.requirements()` block. """ assert self._one_or_more_context, ( "An 'alternative' block must be directly within " "a 'require_any' block" ) saved_one_or_more_context = self._one_or_more_context self._one_or_more_context = None try: yield except FormatRequirementsUnmet as e: saved_one_or_more_context.failed_alternatives.extend(e.failed_alternatives) else: saved_one_or_more_context.had_successful_alternatives = True finally: self._one_or_more_context = saved_one_or_more_context
FormatDetector = Callable[ [FormatDetectionContext], Optional[FormatDetectionConfidence], ] """ Denotes a callback that implements detection for a specific dataset format. The callback receives an instance of `FormatDetectionContext` and must call methods on that instance to place requirements that the dataset must meet in order for it to be considered as belonging to the format. Must terminate in one of the following ways: * by returning the level of confidence in the dataset belonging to the format (or `None`, which is equivalent to the `MEDIUM` level); * by raising a `FormatRequirementsUnmet` exception via one of the `FormatDetectionContext` methods; * by raising a `FormatDetectionUnsupported` exception via `FormatDetectionContext.raise_unsupported`. """
[docs]def apply_format_detector( dataset_root_path: str, detector: FormatDetector, ) -> FormatDetectionConfidence: """ Checks whether the dataset located at `dataset_root_path` belongs to the format detected by `detector`. If it does, returns the confidence level of the detection. Otherwise, terminates with the exception that was raised by the detector. """ context = FormatDetectionContext(dataset_root_path) if not osp.isdir(dataset_root_path):"root path {dataset_root_path} must refer to a directory") return detector(context) or FormatDetectionConfidence.MEDIUM
[docs]class RejectionCallback(Protocol): def __call__( self, format_name: str, reason: RejectionReason, human_message: str, ) -> Any: ...
[docs]def detect_dataset_format( formats: Iterable[Tuple[str, FormatDetector]], path: str, *, rejection_callback: Optional[RejectionCallback] = None, ) -> Sequence[str]: """ Determines which format(s) the dataset at the specified path belongs to. The function applies each supplied detector to the given patch and decides whether the corresponding format is detected or rejected. A format may be rejected if the detector fails or if it succeeds with less confidence than another detector (other rejection reasons might be added in the future). Args: `formats`: The formats to be considered. Each element of the iterable must be a tuple of a format name and a `FormatDetector` instance. `path`: the filesystem path to the dataset to be analyzed. `rejection_callback`: Unless `None`, called for every rejected format to report the reason it was rejected. Returns: a sequence of detected format names. """ if not osp.exists(path): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Path {path} doesn't exist") def report_insufficient_confidence( format_name: str, format_with_more_confidence: str, ): if rejection_callback: rejection_callback( format_name, RejectionReason.insufficient_confidence, f"Another format ({format_with_more_confidence}) " "was matched with more confidence", ) max_confidence = 0 matches = [] for format_name, detector in formats: log.debug("Checking '%s' format...", format_name) try: new_confidence = apply_format_detector(path, detector) except _FormatRejected as ex: human_message = str(ex) if rejection_callback: rejection_callback(format_name, ex.reason, human_message) log.debug(human_message) else: log.debug("Format matched with confidence %d", new_confidence) # keep only matches with the highest confidence if new_confidence > max_confidence: for match in matches: report_insufficient_confidence(match, format_name) matches = [format_name] max_confidence = new_confidence elif new_confidence == max_confidence: matches.append(format_name) else: # new confidence is less than max report_insufficient_confidence(format_name, matches[0]) return matches