Source code for datumaro.components.media_manager

# Copyright (C) 2021 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

# We need to release the opened resources somehow to release file handles and
# close the program normally.
# Options:
# A. Require converter to open all the media resources.
# - Dataset (IExtractor) just provides media access metainfo
# - Dataset (IExtractor) must provide the list of all media resources
# - Each resource has to provide means for loading and releasing
# - All converters require changes and special handling for different media
# sources.
# - Resource management is explicit
# - Resources are managed safely and effectively
# Problems:
# - Too much burden on plugins. Media reporting and resource management takes
# too much efforts in this solution. Extractors and Converters all need to
# bother with this.
# B. Introduce Media Resource Manager, which contains all the opened
# media resources.
# - No code modifications in converters
# - All (or specific) resources are released by request
# - The system can manage the number or opened resources to control memory load
# (maybe, just extend Image Cache?)
# - Resource management is implicit for the user
# Problems:
# - The moment we need to release resources is debatable and needs
# investigation for each operation (however, it's just about the caching,
# so it's unlikely to make the system unstable)

import sys
from collections import OrderedDict

_instance = None


[docs]class MediaManager:
[docs] @staticmethod def get_instance(): global _instance if _instance is None: _instance = MediaManager() return _instance
[docs] def __init__(self, capacity=DEFAULT_CAPACITY): self.capacity = int(capacity) self.items = OrderedDict()
[docs] def push(self, key, media): if self.capacity <= len(self.items): _, v = self.items.popitem(last=True) if hasattr(v, "close") and sys.getrefcount(v) <= 2: v.close() self.items[key] = media
[docs] def get(self, key): default = object() item = self.items.get(key, default) if item is default: return None self.items.move_to_end(key, last=False) # naive splay tree return item
[docs] def size(self): return len(self.items)
[docs] def clear(self): for item in self.items.values(): if hasattr(item, "close"): item.close() self.items.clear()