# Copyright (C) 2019-2022 Intel Corporation
# Copyright (C) 2022 CVAT.ai Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
from __future__ import annotations
import os.path as osp
import sys
from collections import OrderedDict
from enum import Enum, auto
from itertools import chain
from typing import Dict, Optional, Set, Union
import numpy as np
from attr import define, field
from datumaro.components.annotation import (
from datumaro.components.errors import InvalidAnnotationError
from datumaro.components.extractor import CategoriesInfo
from datumaro.util import dump_json_file, find, parse_json_file
from datumaro.util.meta_file_util import get_meta_file
[docs]class VocTask(Enum):
classification = auto()
detection = auto()
segmentation = auto()
action_classification = auto()
person_layout = auto()
[docs]class VocLabel(Enum):
background = 0
aeroplane = 1
bicycle = 2
bird = 3
boat = 4
bottle = 5
bus = 6
car = 7
cat = 8
chair = 9
cow = 10
diningtable = 11
dog = 12
horse = 13
motorbike = 14
person = 15
pottedplant = 16
sheep = 17
sofa = 18
train = 19
tvmonitor = 20
ignored = 255
[docs]class VocPose(Enum):
Unspecified = auto()
Left = auto()
Right = auto()
Frontal = auto()
Rear = auto()
[docs]class VocBodyPart(Enum):
head = auto()
hand = auto()
foot = auto()
[docs]class VocAction(Enum):
other = auto()
jumping = auto()
phoning = auto()
playinginstrument = auto()
reading = auto()
ridingbike = auto()
ridinghorse = auto()
running = auto()
takingphoto = auto()
usingcomputer = auto()
walking = auto()
[docs]def generate_colormap(length: int = 256) -> Colormap:
def get_bit(number, index):
return (number >> index) & 1
colormap = np.zeros((length, 3), dtype=int)
indices = np.arange(length, dtype=int)
for j in range(7, -1, -1):
for c in range(3):
colormap[:, c] |= get_bit(indices, c) << j
indices >>= 3
return OrderedDict((id, tuple(color)) for id, color in enumerate(colormap))
VocColormap: Colormap = {
id: color for id, color in generate_colormap(256).items() if id in {l.value for l in VocLabel}
VocInstColormap = generate_colormap(256)
[docs]class VocPath:
ANNOTATIONS_DIR = "Annotations"
SEGMENTATION_DIR = "SegmentationClass"
INSTANCES_DIR = "SegmentationObject"
SUBSETS_DIR = "ImageSets"
IMAGE_EXT = ".jpg"
SEGM_EXT = ".png"
LABELMAP_FILE = "labelmap.txt"
VocTask.classification: "Main",
VocTask.detection: "Main",
VocTask.segmentation: "Segmentation",
VocTask.action_classification: "Action",
VocTask.person_layout: "Layout",
class VocLabelInfo:
color: Optional[RgbColor] = None
parts: Set[str] = field(factory=set, converter=set)
actions: Set[str] = field(factory=set, converter=set)
if sys.version_info < (3, 9):
_voc_label_map_base = OrderedDict
_voc_label_map_base = OrderedDict[str, VocLabelInfo]
[docs]class VocLabelMap(_voc_label_map_base):
Provides VOC-specific info about labels.
A mapping of type: str -> VocLabelInfo
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
d = OrderedDict(*args, **kwargs)
(k, v if isinstance(v, VocLabelInfo) else VocLabelInfo(*v)) for k, v in d.items()
[docs] def is_label(self, label: str) -> bool:
return self.get(label) is not None
[docs] def is_part(self, part: str) -> bool:
for label_desc in self.values():
if part in label_desc.parts:
return True
return False
[docs] def is_action(self, label: str, action: str) -> bool:
return action in self.get_actions(label)
[docs] def get_actions(self, label: str) -> Set[str]:
label_desc = self.get(label)
if not label_desc:
return set()
return label_desc.actions
[docs] def has_colors(self) -> bool:
return any(v.color is not None for v in self.values())
[docs] def find_background_label(
) -> Optional[str]:
bg_label = find(self.items(), lambda x: x[1].color == color)
if bg_label is not None:
return bg_label[0]
if name in self:
return name
return None
[docs] def find_or_create_background_label(
) -> str:
bg_label = self.find_background_label(color=color, name=name)
if bg_label is None:
bg_label = name
color = color if self.has_colors() else None
self[bg_label] = VocLabelInfo(color)
self.move_to_end(bg_label, last=False)
return bg_label
[docs] @staticmethod
def make_default() -> VocLabelMap:
labels = sorted(VocLabel, key=lambda l: l.value)
label_map = VocLabelMap(
(label.name, VocLabelInfo(VocColormap[label.value])) for label in labels
label_map[VocLabel.person.name].parts = [p.name for p in VocBodyPart]
label_map[VocLabel.person.name].actions = [a.name for a in VocAction]
return label_map
[docs] @staticmethod
def from_categories(categories: CategoriesInfo) -> VocLabelMap:
if AnnotationType.mask not in categories:
# generate a new colormap for the input labels
labels = categories.get(AnnotationType.label, LabelCategories())
label_map = VocLabelMap((item.name, VocLabelInfo()) for item in labels.items)
# use the source colormap
labels: LabelCategories = categories[AnnotationType.label]
colors: MaskCategories = categories[AnnotationType.mask]
label_map = VocLabelMap()
for idx, item in enumerate(labels.items):
color = colors.colormap.get(idx)
if color is not None:
label_map[item.name] = VocLabelInfo(color)
return label_map
[docs] @staticmethod
def parse_from_file(path: str) -> VocLabelMap:
Parses a label map file in the format:
'name : color (r, g, b) : parts (hand, feet, ...) : actions (siting, standing, ...)'
path: File path
A dictionary: label -> (color, parts, actions)
label_map = OrderedDict()
with open(path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
for line in f:
# skip empty and commented lines
line = line.strip()
if not line or line[0] == "#":
# name : color : parts : actions
label_desc = line.strip().split(":")
if len(label_desc) != 4:
raise InvalidAnnotationError(
f"Label description has wrong number of fields '{len(label_desc)}'. "
"Expected 4 ':'-separated fields."
name = label_desc[0]
if name in label_map:
raise InvalidAnnotationError(
f"Label '{name}' is already defined in the label map"
if 1 < len(label_desc) and label_desc[1]:
color = label_desc[1].split(",")
if len(color) != 3:
raise InvalidAnnotationError(
f"Label '{name}' has wrong color '{color}'. Expected an 'r,g,b' triplet."
color = tuple(int(c) for c in color)
color = None
if 2 < len(label_desc) and label_desc[2]:
parts = [s.strip() for s in label_desc[2].split(",")]
parts = []
if 3 < len(label_desc) and label_desc[3]:
actions = [s.strip() for s in label_desc[3].split(",")]
actions = []
label_map[name] = [color, parts, actions]
return VocLabelMap(label_map)
[docs] def dump_to_file(self, path: str):
with open(path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
f.write("# label:color_rgb:parts:actions\n")
for label_name, label_desc in self.items():
if label_desc.color:
color_rgb = ",".join(str(c) for c in label_desc.color)
color_rgb = ""
parts = ",".join(str(p) for p in label_desc.parts)
actions = ",".join(str(a) for a in label_desc.actions)
f.write("%s\n" % ":".join([label_name, color_rgb, parts, actions]))
[docs]def make_voc_categories(label_map: Optional[Union[VocLabelMap, Dict]] = None) -> CategoriesInfo:
if label_map is None:
label_map = VocLabelMap.make_default()
elif not isinstance(label_map, VocLabelMap):
label_map = VocLabelMap(label_map)
categories = {}
label_categories = LabelCategories()
label_categories.attributes.update(["difficult", "truncated", "occluded"])
for label, desc in label_map.items():
label_categories.add(label, attributes=desc.actions)
for part in sorted(set(chain(*(desc.parts for desc in label_map.values())))):
categories[AnnotationType.label] = label_categories
if not label_map.has_colors(): # generate new colors
colormap = generate_colormap(len(label_map))
else: # only copy defined colors
label_id = lambda label: label_categories.find(label)[0]
colormap = {
label_id(name): desc.color for name, desc in label_map.items() if desc.color is not None
mask_categories = MaskCategories(colormap)
mask_categories.inverse_colormap # pylint: disable=pointless-statement
categories[AnnotationType.mask] = mask_categories
return categories