Getting started

To read about the design concept and features of Datumaro, go to the design section.



  • Python (3.6+)
  • Optional: OpenVINO, TensorFlow, PyTorch, MxNet, Caffe, Accuracy Checker

Optionally, create a virtual environment:

python -m pip install virtualenv
python -m virtualenv venv
. venv/bin/activate

Install Datumaro package:

pip install datumaro[default]

Read full installation instructions in the user manual.


There are several options available:

Standalone tool

Datuaro as a standalone tool allows to do various dataset operations from the command line interface:

datum --help
python -m datumaro --help

Python module

Datumaro can be used in custom scripts as a Python module. Used this way, it allows to use its features from an existing codebase, enabling dataset reading, exporting and iteration capabilities, simplifying integration of custom formats and providing high performance operations:

from datumaro.components.project import Project

# load a Datumaro project
project = Project('directory')

# create a dataset
dataset = project.working_tree.make_dataset()

# keep only annotated images item: len(item.annotations) != 0)

# change dataset labels
  {'cat': 'dog', # rename cat to dog
    'truck': 'car', # rename truck to car
    'person': '', # remove this label
  }, default='delete') # remove everything else

# iterate over dataset elements
for item in dataset:
  print(, item.annotations)

# export the resulting dataset in COCO format
dataset.export('dst/dir', 'coco')

# optionally, release the project resources

Check our developer manual for additional information.


  • Convert PASCAL VOC dataset to COCO format, keep only images with cat class presented:

    # Download VOC dataset:
    datum convert --input-format voc --input-path <path/to/voc> \
                  --output-format coco \
                  --filter '/item[annotation/label="cat"]' \
                  -- --reindex 1 # avoid annotation id conflicts
  • Convert only non-occluded annotations from a CVAT project to TFrecord:

    # export Datumaro dataset in CVAT UI, extract somewhere, go to the project dir
    datum filter -e '/item/annotation[occluded="False"]' --mode items+anno
    datum export --format tf_detection_api -- --save-images
  • Annotate MS COCO dataset, extract image subset, re-annotate it in CVAT, update old dataset:

    # Download COCO dataset
    # Put images to coco/images/ and annotations to coco/annotations/
    datum create
    datum import --format coco <path/to/coco>
    datum export --filter '/image[images_I_dont_like]' --format cvat
    # import dataset and images to CVAT, re-annotate
    # export Datumaro project, extract to 'reannotation-upd'
    datum project update reannotation-upd
    datum export --format coco
  • Annotate instance polygons in CVAT, export as masks in COCO:

    datum convert --input-format cvat --input-path <path/to/cvat.xml> \
                  --output-format coco -- --segmentation-mode masks
  • Apply an OpenVINO detection model to some COCO-like dataset, then compare annotations with ground truth and visualize in TensorBoard:

    datum create
    datum import --format coco <path/to/coco>
    # create model results interpretation script
    datum model add -n mymodel openvino \
      --weights model.bin --description model.xml \
    datum model run --model -n mymodel --output-dir mymodel_inference/
    datum diff mymodel_inference/ --format tensorboard --output-dir diff
  • Change colors in PASCAL VOC-like .png masks:

    datum create
    datum import --format voc <path/to/voc/dataset>
    # Create a color map file with desired colors:
    # label : color_rgb : parts : actions
    # cat:0,0,255::
    # dog:255,0,0::
    # Save as mycolormap.txt
    datum export --format voc_segmentation -- --label-map mycolormap.txt
    # add "--apply-colormap=0" to save grayscale (indexed) masks
    # check "--help" option for more info
    # use "datum --loglevel debug" for extra conversion info
  • Create a custom COCO-like dataset:

    import numpy as np
    from datumaro.components.annotation import (
      AnnotationType, Bbox, LabelCategories,
    from datumaro.components.extractor import DatasetItem
    from datumaro.components.dataset import Dataset
    dataset = Dataset([
      DatasetItem(id=0, image=np.ones((5, 5, 3)),
          Bbox(1, 2, 3, 4, label=0),
      # ...
    ], categories=['cat', 'dog'])
    dataset.export('test_dataset/', 'coco')