Source code for datumaro.plugins.market1501_format

# Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

import os
import os.path as osp
import re

from datumaro.components.converter import Converter
from datumaro.components.errors import MediaTypeError
from datumaro.components.extractor import DatasetItem, Extractor, Importer
from import Image
from datumaro.util import str_to_bool
from datumaro.util.image import find_images

[docs]class Market1501Path: QUERY_DIR = "query" BBOX_DIR = "bounding_box_" IMAGE_EXT = ".jpg" PATTERN = re.compile(r"^(-?\d+)_c(\d+)s(\d+)_(\d+)_(\d+)(.*)") LIST_PREFIX = "images_" UNKNOWN_ID = -1 ATTRIBUTES = ["person_id", "camera_id", "track_id", "frame_id", "bbox_id"]
[docs]class Market1501Extractor(Extractor):
[docs] def __init__(self, path): if not osp.isdir(path): raise NotADirectoryError("Can't open folder with annotation files '%s'" % path) self._path = path super().__init__() subsets = {} for p in os.listdir(path): pf = osp.join(path, p) if p.startswith(Market1501Path.BBOX_DIR) and osp.isdir(pf): subset = p.replace(Market1501Path.BBOX_DIR, "") subsets[subset] = pf if p.startswith(Market1501Path.LIST_PREFIX) and osp.isfile(pf): subset = p.replace(Market1501Path.LIST_PREFIX, "") subset = osp.splitext(subset)[0] subsets[subset] = pf if p.startswith(Market1501Path.QUERY_DIR) and osp.isdir(pf): subset = Market1501Path.QUERY_DIR subsets[subset] = pf self._items = [] for subset, subset_path in subsets.items(): self._items.extend(list(self._load_items(subset, subset_path).values()))
[docs] def __iter__(self): yield from self._items
def _load_items(self, subset, subset_path): items = {} paths = [] if osp.isfile(subset_path): with open(subset_path, encoding="utf-8") as f: for line in f: paths.append(osp.join(self._path, line.strip())) else: paths = list(find_images(subset_path, recursive=True)) for image_path in sorted(paths): item_id = osp.splitext(osp.normpath(image_path))[0] if osp.isabs(image_path): item_id = osp.relpath(item_id, self._path) item_id = item_id.split(osp.sep, maxsplit=1)[1] attributes = {} search = if search: attribute_values = search.groups()[0:5] attributes = { "person_id": attribute_values[0], "camera_id": int(attribute_values[1]) - 1, "track_id": int(attribute_values[2]), "frame_id": int(attribute_values[3]), "bbox_id": int(attribute_values[4]), "query": subset == Market1501Path.QUERY_DIR, } custom_name = search.groups()[5] if custom_name: item_id = osp.join(osp.dirname(item_id), custom_name) item = items.get(item_id) if item is None: item = DatasetItem( id=item_id, subset=subset, media=Image(path=image_path), attributes=attributes ) items[item_id] = item return items
[docs]class Market1501Importer(Importer):
[docs] @classmethod def find_sources(cls, path): for dirname in os.listdir(path): if dirname.startswith( (Market1501Path.BBOX_DIR, Market1501Path.QUERY_DIR, Market1501Path.LIST_PREFIX) ): return [{"url": path, "format": Market1501Extractor.NAME}]
[docs]class Market1501Converter(Converter): DEFAULT_IMAGE_EXT = Market1501Path.IMAGE_EXT def _make_dir_name(self, item): dirname = Market1501Path.BBOX_DIR + item.subset query = item.attributes.get("query") if query is not None and isinstance(query, str): query = str_to_bool(query) if query: dirname = Market1501Path.QUERY_DIR return dirname
[docs] def apply(self): if self._extractor.media_type() and not issubclass(self._extractor.media_type(), Image): raise MediaTypeError("Media type is not an image") for subset_name, subset in self._extractor.subsets().items(): annotation = "" used_frames = {} for item in subset: dirname = self._make_dir_name(item) image_name = pid = item.attributes.get("person_id") match = Market1501Path.PATTERN.fullmatch( if not match and pid: cid = int(item.attributes.get("camera_id", 0)) + 1 tid = int(item.attributes.get("track_id", 1)) bbid = int(item.attributes.get("bbox_id", 0)) fid = int( item.attributes.get( "frame_id", max(used_frames.get((pid, cid, tid), [-1])) + 1 ) ) image_name = osp.join( osp.dirname(image_name), f"{pid}_c{cid}s{tid}_{fid:06d}_{bbid:02d}" ) image_path = self._make_image_filename(item, name=image_name, subdir=dirname) if self._save_media and self._save_image(item, osp.join(self._save_dir, image_path)) attrs = if attrs: attrs = attrs.groups() used_frames.setdefault(attrs[0:2], []).append(int(attrs[3])) annotation += "%s\n" % image_path annotation_file = osp.join( self._save_dir, Market1501Path.LIST_PREFIX + subset_name + ".txt" ) with open(annotation_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(annotation)