Datumaro Design


Datumaro is:

  • a tool to build composite datasets and iterate over them
  • a tool to create and maintain datasets
    • Version control of annotations and images
    • Publication (with removal of sensitive information)
    • Editing
    • Joining and splitting
    • Exporting, format changing
    • Image preprocessing
  • a dataset storage
  • a tool to debug datasets
    • A network can be used to generate informative data subsets (e.g. with false-positives) to be analyzed further


  • User interfaces
    • a library
    • a console tool with visualization means
  • Targets: single datasets, composite datasets, single images / videos
  • Built-in support for well-known annotation formats and datasets: CVAT, COCO, PASCAL VOC, Cityscapes, ImageNet
  • Extensibility with user-provided components
  • Lightweightness - it should be easy to start working with Datumaro
    • Minimal dependency on environment and configuration
    • It should be easier to use Datumaro than writing own code for computation of statistics or dataset manipulations

Functionality and ideas

  • Blur sensitive areas on dataset images
  • Dataset annotation filters, relabelling etc.
  • Dataset augmentation
  • Calculation of statistics:
    • Mean & std, custom stats
  • “Edit” command to modify annotations
  • Versioning (for images, annotations, subsets, sources etc., comparison)
  • Documentation generation
  • Provision of iterators for user code
  • Dataset downloading
  • Dataset generation
  • Dataset building (export in a specific format, indexation, statistics, documentation)
  • Dataset exporting to other formats
  • Dataset debugging (run inference, generate dataset slices, compute statistics)
  • “Explainable AI” - highlight network attention areas (paper)
    • Black-box approach
      • Classification, Detection, Segmentation, Captioning
      • White-box approach

Research topics

  • exploration of network prediction uncertainty (aka Bayessian approach) Use case: explanation of network “quality”, “stability”, “certainty”
  • adversarial attacks on networks
  • dataset minification / reduction Use case: removal of redundant information to reach the same network quality with lesser training time
  • dataset expansion and filtration of additions Use case: add only important data
  • guidance for key frame selection for tracking (paper) Use case: more effective annotation, better predictions

RC 1 vision

CVAT integration

Datumaro needs to be integrated with CVAT, extending CVAT UI capabilities regarding task and project operations. It should be capable of downloading and processing data from CVAT.

 |       CVAT       |
 +--------v---------+       +------------------+       +--------------+
 | Datumaro module  | ----> | Datumaro project | <---> | Datumaro CLI | <--- User
 +------------------+       +------------------+       +--------------+


  • Python API for user code
    • Installation as a package
    • Installation with pip by name
  • A command-line tool for dataset manipulations


  • Dataset format support (reading, writing)

    • Own format
    • CVAT
    • COCO
    • YOLO
    • TF Detection API
    • Cityscapes
    • ImageNet
  • Dataset visualization (show)

    • Ability to visualize a dataset
      • with TensorBoard
  • Calculation of statistics for datasets

    • Pixel mean, std
    • Object counts (detection scenario)
    • Image-Class distribution (classification scenario)
    • Pixel-Class distribution (segmentation scenario)
    • Image similarity clusters
    • Custom statistics
  • Dataset building

    • Composite dataset building
    • Class remapping
    • Subset splitting
    • Dataset filtering (extract)
    • Dataset merging (merge)
    • Dataset item editing (edit)
  • Dataset comparison (diff)

    • Annotation-annotation comparison
    • Annotation-inference comparison
    • Annotation quality estimation (for CVAT)
      • Provide a simple method to check annotation quality with a model and generate summary
  • Dataset and model debugging

    • Inference explanation (explain)
    • Black-box approach (RISE paper)
    • Ability to run a model on a dataset and read the results
  • CVAT-integration features

    • Task export
      • Datumaro project export
      • Dataset export
      • Original raw data (images, a video file) can be downloaded (exported) together with annotations or just have links on CVAT server (in future, support S3, etc)
        • Be able to use local files instead of remote links
          • Specify cache directory
    • Use case “annotate for model training”
      • create a task
      • annotate
      • export the task
      • convert to a training format
      • train a DL model
    • Use case “annotate - reannotate problematic images - merge”
    • Use case “annotate and estimate quality”
      • create a task
      • annotate
      • estimate quality of annotations

Optional features

  • Dataset publishing

    • Versioning (for annotations, subsets, sources, etc.)
    • Blur sensitive areas on images
    • Tracking of legal information
    • Documentation generation
  • Dataset building

    • Dataset minification / Extraction of the most representative subset
      • Use case: generate low-precision calibration dataset
  • Dataset and model debugging

    • Training visualization
    • Inference explanation (explain)
      • White-box approach


  • Lightweightness
  • Modularity
  • Extensibility