Print dataset info

This command outputs high level dataset information such as sample count, categories and subsets.


datum info [-h] [--all] [-p PROJECT_DIR] [revpath]


  • <target> (string) - Target dataset revpath. By default, prints info about the joined project dataset.
  • --all - Print all the information: do not fold long lists of labels etc.
  • -p, --project (string) - Directory of the project to operate on (default: current directory).
  • -h, --help - Print the help message and exit.


  • Print info about a project dataset: datum info -p test_project/

  • Print info about a COCO-like dataset: datum info path/to/dataset:coco

Sample output:

length: 5000
categories: label
    count: 80
    labels: person, bicycle, car, motorcycle (and 76 more)
subsets: minival2014
    length: 5000
    categories: label
        count: 80
        labels: person, bicycle, car, motorcycle (and 76 more)