Source code for datumaro.components.converter

# Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

from tempfile import mkdtemp
from typing import Union
import logging as log
import os
import os.path as osp
import shutil

from datumaro.components.cli_plugin import CliPlugin
from datumaro.components.dataset import DatasetPatch
from datumaro.components.extractor import DatasetItem
from import Image
from datumaro.util.meta_file_util import save_meta_file
from datumaro.util.os_util import rmtree
from datumaro.util.scope import on_error_do, scoped

[docs]class Converter(CliPlugin): DEFAULT_IMAGE_EXT = None
[docs] @classmethod def build_cmdline_parser(cls, **kwargs): parser = super().build_cmdline_parser(**kwargs) parser.add_argument('--save-images', action='store_true', help="Save images (default: %(default)s)") parser.add_argument('--image-ext', default=None, help="Image extension (default: keep or use format default%s)" % \ (' ' + cls.DEFAULT_IMAGE_EXT if cls.DEFAULT_IMAGE_EXT else '')) parser.add_argument('--save-dataset-meta', action='store_true', help="Save dataset meta file (default: %(default)s)") return parser
[docs] @classmethod def convert(cls, extractor, save_dir, **options): converter = cls(extractor, save_dir, **options) return converter.apply()
[docs] @classmethod @scoped def patch(cls, dataset, patch, save_dir, **options): # This solution is not any better in performance than just # writing a dataset, but in case of patching (i.e. writing # to the previous location), it allows to avoid many problems # with removing and replacing existing files. Surely, this # approach also has problems with removal of the given directory. # Problems can occur if we can't remove the directory, # or want to reuse the given directory. It can happen if it # is mounted or (sym-)linked. # Probably, a better solution could be to wipe directory # contents and write new data there. Note that directly doing this # also doesn't work, because images may be needed for writing. if not osp.isdir(save_dir): return cls.convert(dataset, save_dir, **options) tmpdir = mkdtemp(dir=osp.dirname(save_dir), prefix=osp.basename(save_dir), suffix='.tmp') on_error_do(rmtree, tmpdir, ignore_errors=True) shutil.copymode(save_dir, tmpdir) retval = cls.convert(dataset, tmpdir, **options) rmtree(save_dir) os.replace(tmpdir, save_dir) return retval
[docs] def apply(self): raise NotImplementedError("Should be implemented in a subclass")
[docs] def __init__(self, extractor, save_dir, save_images=False, image_ext=None, default_image_ext=None, save_dataset_meta=False): default_image_ext = default_image_ext or self.DEFAULT_IMAGE_EXT assert default_image_ext self._default_image_ext = default_image_ext self._save_images = save_images self._image_ext = image_ext self._extractor = extractor self._save_dir = save_dir self._save_dataset_meta = save_dataset_meta # TODO: refactor this variable. # Can be used by a subclass to store the current patch info if isinstance(extractor, DatasetPatch.DatasetPatchWrapper): self._patch = extractor.patch else: self._patch = None
def _find_image_ext(self, item: Union[DatasetItem, Image]): src_ext = None if isinstance(item, DatasetItem) and item.has_image: src_ext = item.image.ext elif isinstance(item, Image): src_ext = item.ext return self._image_ext or src_ext or self._default_image_ext def _make_item_filename(self, item, *, name=None, subdir=None): name = name or subdir = subdir or '' return osp.join(subdir, name) def _make_image_filename(self, item, *, name=None, subdir=None): return self._make_item_filename(item, name=name, subdir=subdir) + \ self._find_image_ext(item) def _make_pcd_filename(self, item, *, name=None, subdir=None): return self._make_item_filename(item, name=name, subdir=subdir) + '.pcd' def _save_image(self, item, path=None, *, name=None, subdir=None, basedir=None): assert not ((subdir or name or basedir) and path), \ "Can't use both subdir or name or basedir and path arguments" if not item.has_image or not item.image.has_data: log.warning("Item '%s' has no image", return basedir = basedir or self._save_dir path = path or osp.join(basedir, self._make_image_filename(item, name=name, subdir=subdir)) path = osp.abspath(path) def _save_point_cloud(self, item=None, path=None, *, name=None, subdir=None, basedir=None): assert not ((subdir or name or basedir) and path), \ "Can't use both subdir or name or basedir and path arguments" if not item.point_cloud: log.warning("Item '%s' has no pcd", return basedir = basedir or self._save_dir path = path or osp.join(basedir, self._make_pcd_filename(item, name=name, subdir=subdir)) path = osp.abspath(path) os.makedirs(osp.dirname(path), exist_ok=True) if item.point_cloud and osp.isfile(item.point_cloud): if item.point_cloud != path: shutil.copyfile(item.point_cloud, path) def _save_meta_file(self, path): save_meta_file(path, self._extractor.categories())