# Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
from enum import Enum, auto
import logging as log
from scipy.linalg import orth
import cv2
import numpy as np
from datumaro.components.cli_plugin import CliPlugin
from datumaro.components.extractor import DEFAULT_SUBSET_NAME, Transform
from datumaro.util import parse_str_enum_value
[docs]class Algorithm(Enum):
gradient = auto()
# other algorithms will be added
[docs]class OverSamplingMethod(Enum):
random = auto()
similarity = auto()
[docs]class UnderSamplingMethod(Enum):
uniform = auto()
inverse = auto()
[docs]class NDR(Transform, CliPlugin):
Near-duplicated image removal.|n
Removes near-duplicated images in subset|n
Example: apply NDR, return no more than 100 images|n
|s|s|s|s--working_subset train|n
|s|s|s|s--algorithm gradient|n
|s|s|s|s--num_cut 100|n
|s|s|s|s--over_sample random|n
|s|s|s|s--under_sample uniform
[docs] @classmethod
def build_cmdline_parser(cls, **kwargs):
parser = super().build_cmdline_parser(**kwargs)
parser.add_argument('-w', '--working_subset', default=None,
help="Name of the subset to operate (default: %(default)s)")
parser.add_argument('-d', '--duplicated_subset', default='duplicated',
help="Name of the subset for the removed data "
"after NDR runs (default: %(default)s)")
parser.add_argument('-a', '--algorithm', default=Algorithm.gradient.name,
choices=[algo.name for algo in Algorithm],
help="Name of the algorithm to use (default: %(default)s)")
parser.add_argument('-k', '--num_cut', default=None, type=int,
help="Number of outputs you want")
parser.add_argument('-e', '--over_sample',
choices=[method.name for method in OverSamplingMethod],
help="Specify the strategy when num_cut is bigger "
"than length of the result (default: %(default)s)")
parser.add_argument('-u', '--under_sample',
choices=[method.name for method in UnderSamplingMethod],
help="Specify the strategy when num_cut is smaller "
"than length of the result (default: %(default)s)")
parser.add_argument('-s', '--seed', type=int, help="Random seed")
return parser
[docs] def __init__(self, extractor,
working_subset, duplicated_subset='duplicated',
algorithm=None, num_cut=None,
over_sample=None, under_sample=None,
seed=None, **kwargs):
Near-duplicated image removal
working_subset: str
name of the subset to operate
duplicated_subset: str
name of the subset for the removed data after NDR runs
algorithm: str
name of the algorithm to use
"gradient" only for now.
num_cut: int
number of outputs you want.
the algorithm will cut whole dataset to this amount
if None, return result without any modification
over_sample: "random" or "similarity"
specify the strategy when num_cut > length of the result after removal
if random, sample from removed data randomly
if similarity, select from removed data with ascending
order of similarity
under_sample: "uniform" or "inverse"
specify the strategy when num_cut < length of the result after removal
if uniform, sample data with uniform distribution
if inverse, sample data with reciprocal of the number
of data which have same hash key
Algorithm Specific for gradient
block_shape: tuple, (h, w)
for the robustness, this function will operate on blocks
mean and variance will be calculated on this block
hash_dim: int
dimension(or bit) of the hash function
sim_threshold: float
the threshold value for saving hash-collided samples.
larger value means more generous, i.e., saving more samples
None, other subsets combined with the result
if not working_subset:
working_subset = DEFAULT_SUBSET_NAME
if working_subset not in extractor.subsets():
raise ValueError("Invalid working_subset name")
self.working_subset = working_subset
# parameter validation before main runs
if working_subset == duplicated_subset:
raise ValueError("working_subset == duplicated_subset")
algorithm = parse_str_enum_value(algorithm, Algorithm,
unknown_member_error="Unknown algorithm '{value}'.")
over_sample = parse_str_enum_value(over_sample, OverSamplingMethod,
unknown_member_error="Unknown oversampling method '{value}'.")
under_sample = parse_str_enum_value(under_sample, UnderSamplingMethod,
unknown_member_error="Unknown undersampling method '{value}'.")
if seed:
self.seed = seed
self.seed = None
self.working_subset = working_subset
self.duplicated_subset = duplicated_subset
self.algorithm = algorithm
self.num_cut = num_cut
self.over_sample = over_sample
self.under_sample = under_sample
self.algorithm_specific = kwargs
self._initialized = False
def _remove(self):
if self.seed:
working_subset = self._extractor.get_subset(self.working_subset)
having_image = []
all_imgs = []
for item in working_subset:
if item.image.has_data:
img = item.image.data
# Not handle empty image, as utils/image.py if check empty
if len(img.shape) == 2:
img = np.stack((img,)*3, axis=-1)
elif len(img.shape) == 3:
if img.shape[2] == 1:
img = np.stack((img[:,:,0],)*3, axis=-1)
elif img.shape[2] == 4:
img = img[...,:3]
elif img.shape[2] == 3:
raise ValueError("Item %s: invalid image shape: "
"unexpected number of channels (%s)" % \
(item.id, img.shape[2]))
raise ValueError("Item %s: invalid image shape: "
"unexpected number of dimensions (%s)" % \
(item.id, len(img.shape)))
if self.algorithm == Algorithm.gradient:
# Calculate gradient
img = self._cgrad_feature(img)
else :
raise NotImplementedError()
log.debug("Skipping item %s: no image data available", item.id)
if self.num_cut and self.num_cut > len(all_imgs):
raise ValueError("The number of images is smaller than the cut you want")
if self.algorithm == Algorithm.gradient:
all_key, fidx, kept_index, key_counter, removed_index_with_sim = \
self._gradient_based(all_imgs, **self.algorithm_specific)
raise NotImplementedError()
kept_index = self._keep_cut(self.num_cut, all_key, fidx,
kept_index, key_counter, removed_index_with_sim,
self.over_sample, self.under_sample)
self.kept_item_id = set(having_image[ii].id for ii in kept_index)
def _gradient_based(self, all_imgs, block_shape=(4, 4),
hash_dim=32, sim_threshold=0.5):
if len(block_shape) != 2:
raise ValueError("Invalid block_shape")
if block_shape[0] <= 0 or block_shape[1] <= 0:
raise ValueError("block_shape should be positive")
if sim_threshold <= 0:
raise ValueError("sim_threshold should be large than 0")
if hash_dim > 3 * block_shape[0] * block_shape[1]:
raise ValueError("hash_dim should be smaller than feature shape")
if hash_dim <= 0:
raise ValueError("hash_dim should be positive")
# Compute hash keys from all the features
all_clr = np.reshape(np.array(all_imgs), (len(all_imgs), -1))
all_key = self._project(all_clr, hash_dim)
# Remove duplication using hash
clr_dict = {}
key_counter = {}
kept_index = []
removed_index_with_similarity = dict()
fidx = np.random.permutation(np.arange(len(all_imgs)))
for ii in fidx:
key = all_key[ii]
clr = all_clr[ii]
if key not in clr_dict:
clr_dict[key] = [clr]
key_counter[key] = 1
# Hash collision: compare dot-product based feature similarity
# the value for maximizing the gap
# between duplicated and non-duplicated
large_exponent = 50
max_sim = np.max(np.dot(clr_dict[key], clr) ** large_exponent)
# Keep if not a duplicated one
if max_sim < sim_threshold:
key_counter[key] += 1
removed_index_with_similarity[ii] = max_sim
return all_key, fidx, kept_index, key_counter, \
def _keep_cut(self, num_cut, all_key, fidx,
kept_index, key_counter, removed_index_with_similarity,
over_sample, under_sample):
if num_cut and num_cut > len(kept_index):
if over_sample == OverSamplingMethod.random:
selected_index = np.random.choice(
list(set(fidx) - set(kept_index)),
size=num_cut - len(kept_index), replace=False)
elif over_sample == OverSamplingMethod.similarity:
removed_index_with_similarity = [[key, value] \
for key, value in removed_index_with_similarity.items()]
removed_index_with_similarity.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
selected_index = [index \
for index, _ in removed_index_with_similarity[:num_cut - len(kept_index)]]
elif num_cut and num_cut < len(kept_index):
if under_sample == UnderSamplingMethod.uniform:
prob = None
elif under_sample == UnderSamplingMethod.inverse:
# if inverse - probability with inverse
# of the collision(number of same hash key)
# [x1, x2, y1, y2, y3, y4, z1, z2, z3]. x, y and z for hash key
# i.e. there are 4 elements which have hash key y.
# then the occurrence will be [2, 4, 3] and reverse of them
# will be [1/2, 1/4, 1/3]
# Normalizing them by dividing with sum, we get [6/13, 3/13, 4/13]
# Then the key x will be sampled with probability 6/13
# and each point, x1 and x2, will share same prob. 3/13
key_with_reverse_occur = {
key: 1 / key_counter[key] for key in key_counter}
reverse_occur_sum = sum(key_with_reverse_occur.values())
key_normalized_reverse_occur = {
key: reverse_occur / reverse_occur_sum \
for key, reverse_occur in key_with_reverse_occur.items()}
prob = [key_normalized_reverse_occur[all_key[ii]] / key_counter[all_key[ii]] \
for ii in kept_index]
kept_index = np.random.choice(kept_index, size=num_cut,
replace=False, p=prob)
return kept_index
def _cgrad_feature(img, out_wh=(8, 8)):
if img.dtype == 'uint8':
img = img.astype(float) / 255.0
img = img.astype(float)
r_img = cv2.resize(img, out_wh, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)
r2 = cv2.resize(img ** 2, out_wh, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)
r2 -= r_img ** 2
r2 = np.sqrt(np.maximum(r2, 0))
# mean and variance feature, zero padding for gradient computation
rr = np.pad(np.concatenate([r_img, r2], axis=-1),
((1, 1), (1, 1), (0, 0)))
# compute gradients along x- and y-axes
rx = rr[1:-1, :-2, :] - rr[1:-1, 2:, :]
ry = rr[:-2, 1:-1, :] - rr[2:, 1:-1, :]
# concat and l2 normalize
res = np.concatenate([rx, ry], axis=-1)
res = res / np.sqrt(np.sum(res**2))
return res
def _project(feat, hash_dim=32):
Project feat to hash_dim space and create hexadecimal string key
feat : ndarray
feature to project and hash
hash_dim : int
specified dimension of the hashed output
feature dimension should larger than hash_dim
proj = None
ndim = feat.shape[-1]
feat = np.reshape(feat, (-1, ndim))
# random projection matrix would become unstable, so reject such cases
assert ndim >= hash_dim, "{} is smaller than hash_dim({})".format(ndim, hash_dim)
# compute the random projection matrix
for _ in range(100):
# try to get an orthonormal projection matrix
proj = orth(np.random.uniform(-1, 1, (ndim, ndim)))[:, :hash_dim]
if proj.shape[1] == hash_dim:
if proj is None:
# if failed to get an orthonormal one, just use a random one instead
proj = np. random.uniform(-1, 1, (ndim, ndim))
proj /= np.sqrt(np.sum(proj ** 2, axis=1, keepdims=True))
# simple binarization
# compute dot product between each feature and each projection basis,
# then use its sign for the binarization
feat_binary = np.dot(feat, proj) >= 0
# generate hash key strings
# assign hex string from each consecutive 16 bits and concatenate
_all_key = np.packbits(feat_binary, axis=-1)
_all_key = np.array(list(
map(lambda row: ''.join(['{:02x}'.format(r) for r in row]), _all_key)
if len(_all_key) == 1:
return _all_key[0]
return _all_key
def _check_subset(self, item):
if item.subset:
if item.subset == self.working_subset:
if item.id in self.kept_item_id:
return item.subset
return self.duplicated_subset
return item.subset
[docs] def __iter__(self):
if not self._initialized:
self._initialized = True
for item in self._extractor:
yield self.wrap_item(item, subset=self._check_subset(item))