Source code for datumaro.plugins.voc_format.format

# Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

from collections import OrderedDict
from enum import Enum, auto
from itertools import chain
import json
import os.path as osp

import numpy as np

from datumaro.components.annotation import (
    AnnotationType, LabelCategories, MaskCategories,
from datumaro.util import find
from datumaro.util.meta_file_util import get_meta_file

[docs]class VocTask(Enum): classification = auto() detection = auto() segmentation = auto() action_classification = auto() person_layout = auto()
[docs]class VocLabel(Enum): background = 0 aeroplane = 1 bicycle = 2 bird = 3 boat = 4 bottle = 5 bus = 6 car = 7 cat = 8 chair = 9 cow = 10 diningtable = 11 dog = 12 horse = 13 motorbike = 14 person = 15 pottedplant = 16 sheep = 17 sofa = 18 train = 19 tvmonitor = 20 ignored = 255
[docs]class VocPose(Enum): Unspecified = auto() Left = auto() Right = auto() Frontal = auto() Rear = auto()
[docs]class VocBodyPart(Enum): head = auto() hand = auto() foot = auto()
[docs]class VocAction(Enum): other = auto() jumping = auto() phoning = auto() playinginstrument = auto() reading = auto() ridingbike = auto() ridinghorse = auto() running = auto() takingphoto = auto() usingcomputer = auto() walking = auto()
[docs]def generate_colormap(length=256): def get_bit(number, index): return (number >> index) & 1 colormap = np.zeros((length, 3), dtype=int) indices = np.arange(length, dtype=int) for j in range(7, -1, -1): for c in range(3): colormap[:, c] |= get_bit(indices, c) << j indices >>= 3 return OrderedDict( (id, tuple(color)) for id, color in enumerate(colormap) )
VocColormap = {id: color for id, color in generate_colormap(256).items() if id in [l.value for l in VocLabel]} VocInstColormap = generate_colormap(256)
[docs]class VocPath: IMAGES_DIR = 'JPEGImages' ANNOTATIONS_DIR = 'Annotations' SEGMENTATION_DIR = 'SegmentationClass' INSTANCES_DIR = 'SegmentationObject' SUBSETS_DIR = 'ImageSets' IMAGE_EXT = '.jpg' SEGM_EXT = '.png' LABELMAP_FILE = 'labelmap.txt' TASK_DIR = { VocTask.classification: 'Main', VocTask.detection: 'Main', VocTask.segmentation: 'Segmentation', VocTask.action_classification: 'Action', VocTask.person_layout: 'Layout', }
[docs]def make_voc_label_map(): labels = sorted(VocLabel, key=lambda l: l.value) label_map = OrderedDict( (, [VocColormap[label.value], [], []]) for label in labels) label_map[][1] = [ for p in VocBodyPart] label_map[][2] = [ for a in VocAction] return label_map
[docs]def parse_label_map(path): if not path: return None label_map = OrderedDict() with open(path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: for line in f: # skip empty and commented lines line = line.strip() if not line or line and line[0] == '#': continue # name, color, parts, actions label_desc = line.strip().split(':') name = label_desc[0] if name in label_map: raise ValueError("Label '%s' is already defined" % name) if 1 < len(label_desc) and len(label_desc[1]) != 0: color = label_desc[1].split(',') assert len(color) == 3, \ "Label '%s' has wrong color, expected 'r,g,b', got '%s'" % \ (name, color) color = tuple([int(c) for c in color]) else: color = None if 2 < len(label_desc) and len(label_desc[2]) != 0: parts = label_desc[2].split(',') else: parts = [] if 3 < len(label_desc) and len(label_desc[3]) != 0: actions = label_desc[3].split(',') else: actions = [] label_map[name] = [color, parts, actions] return label_map
[docs]def parse_meta_file(path): meta_file = path if osp.isdir(path): meta_file = get_meta_file(path) with open(meta_file) as f: dataset_meta = json.load(f) label_map = OrderedDict() parts = dataset_meta.get('parts', {}) actions = dataset_meta.get('actions', {}) for i, label in enumerate(dataset_meta.get('labels', [])): label_map[label] = [None, parts.get(str(i), []), actions.get(str(i), [])] colors = dataset_meta.get('segmentation_colors', []) for i, label in enumerate(dataset_meta.get('label_map', {}).values()): if label not in label_map: label_map[label] = [None, [], []] if any(colors) and colors[i] is not None: label_map[label][0] = tuple(colors[i]) return label_map
[docs]def write_label_map(path, label_map): with open(path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write('# label:color_rgb:parts:actions\n') for label_name, label_desc in label_map.items(): if label_desc[0]: color_rgb = ','.join(str(c) for c in label_desc[0]) else: color_rgb = '' parts = ','.join(str(p) for p in label_desc[1]) actions = ','.join(str(a) for a in label_desc[2]) f.write('%s\n' % ':'.join([label_name, color_rgb, parts, actions]))
[docs]def write_meta_file(path, label_map): dataset_meta = {} labels = [] labels_dict = {} segmentation_colors = [] parts = {} actions = {} for i, (label_name, label_desc) in enumerate(label_map.items()): labels.append(label_name) if label_desc[0]: labels_dict[str(i)] = label_name segmentation_colors.append( [int(label_desc[0][0]), int(label_desc[0][1]), int(label_desc[0][2])]) parts[str(i)] = label_desc[1] actions[str(i)] = label_desc[2] dataset_meta['labels'] = labels if any(segmentation_colors): dataset_meta['label_map'] = labels_dict dataset_meta['segmentation_colors'] = segmentation_colors bg_label = find(label_map.items(), lambda x: x[1] == (0, 0, 0)) if bg_label is not None: dataset_meta['background_label'] = str(bg_label[0]) if any(parts): dataset_meta['parts'] = parts if any(actions): dataset_meta['actions'] = actions meta_file = get_meta_file(path) with open(meta_file, 'w') as f: json.dump(dataset_meta, f)
[docs]def make_voc_categories(label_map=None): if label_map is None: label_map = make_voc_label_map() categories = {} label_categories = LabelCategories() label_categories.attributes.update(['difficult', 'truncated', 'occluded']) for label, desc in label_map.items(): label_categories.add(label, attributes=desc[2]) for part in OrderedDict((k, None) for k in chain( *(desc[1] for desc in label_map.values()))): label_categories.add(part) categories[AnnotationType.label] = label_categories has_colors = any(v[0] is not None for v in label_map.values()) if not has_colors: # generate new colors colormap = generate_colormap(len(label_map)) else: # only copy defined colors label_id = lambda label: label_categories.find(label)[0] colormap = { label_id(name): desc[0] for name, desc in label_map.items() if desc[0] is not None } mask_categories = MaskCategories(colormap) mask_categories.inverse_colormap # pylint: disable=pointless-statement categories[AnnotationType.mask] = mask_categories return categories