# Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
from itertools import groupby
from typing import (
Callable, Dict, Iterable, NewType, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union,
from typing_extensions import Literal
import numpy as np
from datumaro.components.annotation import (
AnnotationType, LabelCategories, Mask, RleMask, _Shape,
from datumaro.util.mask_tools import mask_to_rle
[docs]def find_instances(instance_anns):
instance_anns = sorted(instance_anns, key=lambda a: a.group)
ann_groups = []
for g_id, group in groupby(instance_anns, lambda a: a.group):
if not g_id:
ann_groups.extend(([a] for a in group))
return ann_groups
[docs]def find_group_leader(group):
return max(group, key=lambda x: x.get_area())
BboxCoords = Tuple[float, float, float, float]
Shape = NewType('Shape', _Shape)
SpatialAnnotation = Union[Shape, Mask]
[docs]def _get_bbox(ann: Union[Sequence, SpatialAnnotation]) -> BboxCoords:
if isinstance(ann, (_Shape, Mask)):
return ann.get_bbox()
elif hasattr(ann, '__len__') and len(ann) == 4:
return ann
raise ValueError("The value of type '%s' can't be treated as a "
"bounding box" % type(ann))
[docs]def max_bbox(annotations: Iterable[Union[BboxCoords, SpatialAnnotation]]) \
-> BboxCoords:
Computes the maximum bbox for the set of spatial annotations and boxes.
bbox (tuple): (x, y, w, h)
boxes = [_get_bbox(ann) for ann in annotations]
x0 = min((b[0] for b in boxes), default=0)
y0 = min((b[1] for b in boxes), default=0)
x1 = max((b[0] + b[2] for b in boxes), default=0)
y1 = max((b[1] + b[3] for b in boxes), default=0)
return [x0, y0, x1 - x0, y1 - y0]
[docs]def mean_bbox(annotations: Iterable[Union[BboxCoords, SpatialAnnotation]]) \
-> BboxCoords:
Computes the mean bbox for the set of spatial annotations and boxes.
bbox (tuple): (x, y, w, h)
le = len(annotations)
boxes = [_get_bbox(ann) for ann in annotations]
mlb = sum(b[0] for b in boxes) / le
mtb = sum(b[1] for b in boxes) / le
mrb = sum(b[0] + b[2] for b in boxes) / le
mbb = sum(b[1] + b[3] for b in boxes) / le
return [mlb, mtb, mrb - mlb, mbb - mtb]
[docs]def softmax(x):
return np.exp(x) / sum(np.exp(x))
[docs]def nms(segments, iou_thresh=0.5):
Non-maxima suppression algorithm.
indices = np.argsort([b.attributes['score'] for b in segments])
ious = np.array([[segment_iou(a, b) for b in segments] for a in segments])
predictions = []
while len(indices) != 0:
i = len(indices) - 1
pred_idx = indices[i]
to_remove = [i]
for i, box_idx in enumerate(indices[:i]):
if iou_thresh < ious[pred_idx, box_idx]:
indices = np.delete(indices, to_remove)
return predictions
[docs]def bbox_iou(a, b) -> Union[Literal[-1], float]:
IoU computations for simple cases with bounding boxes
bbox_a = _get_bbox(a)
bbox_b = _get_bbox(b)
aX, aY, aW, aH = bbox_a
bX, bY, bW, bH = bbox_b
in_right = min(aX + aW, bX + bW)
in_left = max(aX, bX)
in_top = max(aY, bY)
in_bottom = min(aY + aH, bY + bH)
in_w = max(0, in_right - in_left)
in_h = max(0, in_bottom - in_top)
intersection = in_w * in_h
if not intersection:
return -1
a_area = aW * aH
b_area = bW * bH
union = a_area + b_area - intersection
return intersection / union
[docs]def segment_iou(a, b):
Generic IoU computation with masks, polygons, and boxes.
Returns -1 if no intersection, [0; 1] otherwise
from pycocotools import mask as mask_utils
a_bbox = list(a.get_bbox())
b_bbox = list(b.get_bbox())
is_bbox = AnnotationType.bbox in [a.type, b.type]
if is_bbox:
a = [a_bbox]
b = [b_bbox]
w = max(a_bbox[0] + a_bbox[2], b_bbox[0] + b_bbox[2])
h = max(a_bbox[1] + a_bbox[3], b_bbox[1] + b_bbox[3])
def _to_rle(ann):
if ann.type == AnnotationType.polygon:
return mask_utils.frPyObjects([ann.points], h, w)
elif isinstance(ann, RleMask):
return [ann.rle]
elif ann.type == AnnotationType.mask:
return mask_utils.frPyObjects([mask_to_rle(ann.image)], h, w)
raise TypeError("Unexpected arguments: %s, %s" % (a, b))
a = _to_rle(a)
b = _to_rle(b)
return float(mask_utils.iou(a, b, [not is_bbox]))
[docs]def PDJ(a, b, eps=None, ratio=0.05, bbox=None):
Percentage of Detected Joints metric.
Counts the number of matching points.
assert eps is not None or ratio is not None
p1 = np.array(a.points).reshape((-1, 2))
p2 = np.array(b.points).reshape((-1, 2))
if len(p1) != len(p2):
return 0
if not eps:
if bbox is None:
bbox = mean_bbox([a, b])
diag = (bbox[2] ** 2 + bbox[3] ** 2) ** 0.5
eps = ratio * diag
dists = np.linalg.norm(p1 - p2, axis=1)
return np.sum(dists < eps) / len(p1)
[docs]def OKS(a, b, sigma=None, bbox=None, scale=None):
Object Keypoint Similarity metric.
p1 = np.array(a.points).reshape((-1, 2))
p2 = np.array(b.points).reshape((-1, 2))
if len(p1) != len(p2):
return 0
if not sigma:
sigma = 0.1
assert len(sigma) == len(p1)
if not scale:
if bbox is None:
bbox = mean_bbox([a, b])
scale = bbox[2] * bbox[3]
dists = np.linalg.norm(p1 - p2, axis=1)
return np.sum(np.exp(-(dists ** 2) / (2 * scale * (2 * sigma) ** 2)))
def approximate_line(points: Sequence[float], segments: int) -> np.ndarray:
Approximates a 2d line to the required number of segments. The new points
are distributed uniformly across the input line.
points (Sequence): an array of line point coordinates.
The size is [points * 2], the layout is [x0, y0, x1, y1, ...].
segments (int): the required numebr of segments in the resulting line.
new_points (ndarray): an array of new line point coordinates.
The size is [(segments + 1) * 2], the layout is [x0, y0, x1, y1, ...].
assert 2 <= len(points) // 2 and len(points) % 2 == 0
assert 0 < segments
points = list(points)
if len(points) == 2:
points = np.array(points).reshape((-1, 2))
lengths = np.linalg.norm(points[1:] - points[:-1], axis=1)
dists = [0]
for l in lengths:
dists.append(dists[-1] + l)
step = dists[-1] / segments
new_points = np.zeros((segments + 1, 2))
new_points[0] = points[0]
old_segment = 0
for new_segment in range(1, segments + 1):
pos = new_segment * step
while dists[old_segment + 1] < pos and old_segment + 2 < len(dists):
old_segment += 1
segment_start = dists[old_segment]
segment_len = lengths[old_segment]
prev_p = points[old_segment]
next_p = points[old_segment + 1]
r = (pos - segment_start) / segment_len
new_points[new_segment] = prev_p * (1 - r) + next_p * r
return np.reshape(new_points, (-1, ))
[docs]def make_label_id_mapping(
src_labels: LabelCategories, dst_labels: LabelCategories,
fallback: int = 0) \
-> Tuple[
Callable[[int], Optional[int]],
Dict[int, int],
Dict[int, str],
Dict[int, str]
Maps label ids from source to destination. Fallback id is used for missing
map_id (callable): src id -> dst id
id_mapping (dict): src id -> dst id
src_labels (dict): src id -> src label
dst_labels (dict): dst id -> dst label
source_labels = { id: label.name
for id, label in enumerate(src_labels or ())
target_labels = { label.name: id
for id, label in enumerate(dst_labels or ())
id_mapping = { src_id: target_labels.get(src_label, fallback)
for src_id, src_label in source_labels.items()
def map_id(src_id):
return id_mapping.get(src_id, fallback)
return map_id, id_mapping, source_labels, target_labels