Source code for datumaro.components.errors

# Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

from typing import Any, Tuple

from attrs import define, field

[docs]class ImmutableObjectError(Exception): def __str__(self): return "Cannot set value of immutable object"
[docs]class DatumaroError(Exception): pass
[docs]class VcsError(DatumaroError): pass
[docs]class ReadonlyDatasetError(VcsError): def __str__(self): return "Can't update a read-only dataset"
[docs]class ReadonlyProjectError(VcsError): def __str__(self): return "Can't change a read-only project"
[docs]@define(auto_exc=False) class UnknownRefError(VcsError): ref = field() def __str__(self): return f"Can't parse ref '{self.ref}'"
[docs]class MissingObjectError(VcsError): pass
[docs]class MismatchingObjectError(VcsError): pass
[docs]@define(auto_exc=False) class UnsavedChangesError(VcsError): paths = field() def __str__(self): return "There are some uncommitted changes: %s" % ', '.join(self.paths)
[docs]class ForeignChangesError(VcsError): pass
[docs]class EmptyCommitError(VcsError): pass
[docs]class PathOutsideSourceError(VcsError): pass
[docs]class SourceUrlInsideProjectError(VcsError): def __str__(self): return "Source URL cannot point inside the project"
[docs]class UnexpectedUrlError(VcsError): pass
[docs]class MissingSourceHashError(VcsError): pass
[docs]class PipelineError(DatumaroError): pass
[docs]class InvalidPipelineError(PipelineError): pass
[docs]class EmptyPipelineError(InvalidPipelineError): pass
[docs]class MultiplePipelineHeadsError(InvalidPipelineError): pass
[docs]class MissingPipelineHeadError(InvalidPipelineError): pass
[docs]class InvalidStageError(InvalidPipelineError): pass
[docs]class UnknownStageError(InvalidStageError): pass
[docs]class MigrationError(DatumaroError): pass
[docs]class OldProjectError(DatumaroError): def __str__(self): return """ The project you're trying to load was created by the old Datumaro version. Try to migrate the project with 'datum project migrate' and then reload. """
[docs]@define(auto_exc=False) class ProjectNotFoundError(DatumaroError): path = field() def __str__(self): return f"Can't find project at '{self.path}'"
[docs]@define(auto_exc=False) class ProjectAlreadyExists(DatumaroError): path = field() def __str__(self): return f"Can't create project: a project already exists " \ f"at '{self.path}'"
[docs]@define(auto_exc=False) class UnknownSourceError(DatumaroError): name = field() def __str__(self): return f"Unknown source '{}'"
[docs]@define(auto_exc=False) class UnknownTargetError(DatumaroError): name = field() def __str__(self): return f"Unknown target '{}'"
[docs]@define(auto_exc=False) class UnknownFormatError(DatumaroError): format = field() def __str__(self): return f"Unknown source format '{self.format}'. To make it " \ "available, add the corresponding Extractor implementation " \ "to the environment"
[docs]@define(auto_exc=False) class SourceExistsError(DatumaroError): name = field() def __str__(self): return f"Source '{}' already exists"
class DatasetExportError(DatumaroError): pass @define(auto_exc=False) class ItemExportError(DatasetExportError): """ Represents additional item error info. The error itself is supposed to be in the `__cause__` member. """ item_id: Tuple[str, str] def __str__(self): return "Failed to export item %s" % (self.item_id, ) class AnnotationExportError(ItemExportError): pass
[docs]class DatasetImportError(DatumaroError): pass
@define(auto_exc=False) class ItemImportError(DatasetImportError): """ Represents additional item error info. The error itself is supposed to be in the `__cause__` member. """ item_id: Tuple[str, str] def __str__(self): return "Failed to import item %s" % (self.item_id, ) class AnnotationImportError(ItemImportError): pass
[docs]@define(auto_exc=False) class DatasetNotFoundError(DatasetImportError): path = field() def __str__(self): return f"Failed to find dataset at '{self.path}'"
[docs]@define(auto_exc=False) class MultipleFormatsMatchError(DatasetImportError): formats = field() def __str__(self): return "Failed to detect dataset format automatically:" \ " data matches more than one format: %s" % \ ', '.join(self.formats)
[docs]class NoMatchingFormatsError(DatasetImportError): def __str__(self): return "Failed to detect dataset format automatically: " \ "no matching formats found"
[docs]class DatasetError(DatumaroError): pass
[docs]class CategoriesRedefinedError(DatasetError): def __str__(self): return "Categories can only be set once for a dataset"
[docs]@define(auto_exc=False) class RepeatedItemError(DatasetError): item_id = field() def __str__(self): return f"Item {self.item_id} is repeated in the source sequence."
[docs]class DatasetQualityError(DatasetError): pass
[docs]@define(auto_exc=False) class AnnotationsTooCloseError(DatasetQualityError): item_id = field() a = field() b = field() distance = field() def __str__(self): return "Item %s: annotations are too close: %s, %s, distance = %s" % \ (self.item_id, self.a, self.b, self.distance)
[docs]@define(auto_exc=False) class WrongGroupError(DatasetQualityError): item_id = field() found = field(converter=set) expected = field(converter=set) group = field(converter=list) def __str__(self): return "Item %s: annotation group has wrong labels: " \ "found %s, expected %s, group %s" % \ (self.item_id, self.found, self.expected,
[docs]@define(auto_exc=False, init=False) class DatasetMergeError(DatasetError): sources = field(converter=set, factory=set, kw_only=True) def _my__init__(self, msg=None, *, sources=None): super().__init__(msg) self.__attrs_init__(sources=sources or set())
# Pylint will raise false positive warnings for derived classes, # when __init__ is defined directly setattr(DatasetMergeError, '__init__', DatasetMergeError._my__init__)
[docs]@define(auto_exc=False) class MismatchingImageInfoError(DatasetMergeError): item_id: Tuple[str, str] a: Tuple[int, int] b: Tuple[int, int] def __str__(self): return "Item %s: mismatching image size info: %s vs %s" % \ (self.item_id, self.a, self.b)
@define(auto_exc=False) class MismatchingImagePathError(DatasetMergeError): item_id: Tuple[str, str] a: str b: str def __str__(self): return "Item %s: mismatching image path info: %s vs %s" % \ (self.item_id, self.a, self.b) @define(auto_exc=False) class MismatchingAttributesError(DatasetMergeError): item_id: Tuple[str, str] key: str a: Any b: Any def __str__(self): return "Item %s: mismatching image attribute %s: %s vs %s" % \ (self.item_id, self.key, self.a, self.b)
[docs]class ConflictingCategoriesError(DatasetMergeError): pass
[docs]@define(auto_exc=False) class NoMatchingAnnError(DatasetMergeError): item_id = field() ann = field() def __str__(self): return "Item %s: can't find matching annotation " \ "in sources %s, annotation is %s" % \ (self.item_id, self.sources, self.ann)
[docs]@define(auto_exc=False) class NoMatchingItemError(DatasetMergeError): item_id = field() def __str__(self): return "Item %s: can't find matching item in sources %s" % \ (self.item_id, self.sources)
[docs]@define(auto_exc=False) class FailedLabelVotingError(DatasetMergeError): item_id = field() votes = field() ann = field(default=None) def __str__(self): return "Item %s: label voting failed%s, votes %s, sources %s" % \ (self.item_id, 'for ann %s' % self.ann if self.ann else '', self.votes, self.sources)
[docs]@define(auto_exc=False) class FailedAttrVotingError(DatasetMergeError): item_id = field() attr = field() votes = field() ann = field() def __str__(self): return "Item %s: attribute voting failed " \ "for ann %s, votes %s, sources %s" % \ (self.item_id, self.ann, self.votes, self.sources)
[docs]@define(auto_exc=False) class DatasetValidationError(DatumaroError): severity = field()
[docs] def to_dict(self): return { 'anomaly_type': self.__class__.__name__, 'description': str(self), 'severity':, }
[docs]@define(auto_exc=False) class DatasetItemValidationError(DatasetValidationError): item_id = field() subset = field()
[docs] def to_dict(self): dict_repr = super().to_dict() dict_repr['item_id'] = self.item_id dict_repr['subset'] = self.subset return dict_repr
[docs]@define(auto_exc=False) class MissingLabelCategories(DatasetValidationError): def __str__(self): return "Metadata (ex. LabelCategories) should be defined" \ " to validate a dataset."
[docs]@define(auto_exc=False) class MissingAnnotation(DatasetItemValidationError): ann_type = field() def __str__(self): return f"Item needs '{self.ann_type}' annotation(s), " \ "but not found."
[docs]@define(auto_exc=False) class MultiLabelAnnotations(DatasetItemValidationError): def __str__(self): return 'Item needs a single label but multiple labels are found.'
[docs]@define(auto_exc=False) class MissingAttribute(DatasetItemValidationError): label_name = field() attr_name = field() def __str__(self): return f"Item needs the attribute '{self.attr_name}' " \ f"for the label '{self.label_name}'."
[docs]@define(auto_exc=False) class UndefinedLabel(DatasetItemValidationError): label_name = field() def __str__(self): return f"Item has the label '{self.label_name}' which " \ "is not defined in metadata."
[docs]@define(auto_exc=False) class UndefinedAttribute(DatasetItemValidationError): label_name = field() attr_name = field() def __str__(self): return f"Item has the attribute '{self.attr_name}' for the " \ f"label '{self.label_name}' which is not defined in metadata."
[docs]@define(auto_exc=False) class LabelDefinedButNotFound(DatasetValidationError): label_name = field() def __str__(self): return f"The label '{self.label_name}' is defined in " \ "metadata, but not found in the dataset."
[docs]@define(auto_exc=False) class AttributeDefinedButNotFound(DatasetValidationError): label_name = field() attr_name = field() def __str__(self): return f"The attribute '{self.attr_name}' for the label " \ f"'{self.label_name}' is defined in metadata, but not " \ "found in the dataset."
[docs]@define(auto_exc=False) class OnlyOneLabel(DatasetValidationError): label_name = field() def __str__(self): return f"The dataset has only one label '{self.label_name}'."
[docs]@define(auto_exc=False) class OnlyOneAttributeValue(DatasetValidationError): label_name = field() attr_name = field() value = field() def __str__(self): return "The dataset has the only attribute value " \ f"'{self.value}' for the attribute '{self.attr_name}' for the " \ f"label '{self.label_name}'."
[docs]@define(auto_exc=False) class FewSamplesInLabel(DatasetValidationError): label_name = field() count = field() def __str__(self): return f"The number of samples in the label '{self.label_name}'" \ f" might be too low. Found '{self.count}' samples."
[docs]@define(auto_exc=False) class FewSamplesInAttribute(DatasetValidationError): label_name = field() attr_name = field() attr_value = field() count = field() def __str__(self): return "The number of samples for attribute = value " \ f"'{self.attr_name} = {self.attr_value}' for the label " \ f"'{self.label_name}' might be too low. " \ f"Found '{self.count}' samples."
[docs]@define(auto_exc=False) class ImbalancedLabels(DatasetValidationError): def __str__(self): return 'There is an imbalance in the label distribution.'
[docs]@define(auto_exc=False) class ImbalancedAttribute(DatasetValidationError): label_name = field() attr_name = field() def __str__(self): return "There is an imbalance in the distribution of attribute" \ f" '{self. attr_name}' for the label '{self.label_name}'."
[docs]@define(auto_exc=False) class ImbalancedDistInLabel(DatasetValidationError): label_name = field() prop = field() def __str__(self): return f"Values of '{self.prop}' are not evenly " \ f"distributed for '{self.label_name}' label."
[docs]@define(auto_exc=False) class ImbalancedDistInAttribute(DatasetValidationError): label_name = field() attr_name = field() attr_value = field() prop = field() def __str__(self): return f"Values of '{self.prop}' are not evenly " \ f"distributed for '{self.attr_name}' = '{self.attr_value}' for " \ f"the '{self.label_name}' label."
[docs]@define(auto_exc=False) class NegativeLength(DatasetItemValidationError): ann_id = field() prop = field() val = field() def __str__(self): return f"Annotation '{self.ann_id}' in " \ "the item should have a positive value of " \ f"'{self.prop}' but got '{self.val}'."
[docs]@define(auto_exc=False) class InvalidValue(DatasetItemValidationError): ann_id = field() prop = field() def __str__(self): return f"Annotation '{self.ann_id}' in " \ 'the item has an inf or a NaN value of ' \ f"'{self.prop}'."
[docs]@define(auto_exc=False) class FarFromLabelMean(DatasetItemValidationError): label_name = field() ann_id = field() prop = field() mean = field() val = field() def __str__(self): return f"Annotation '{self.ann_id}' in " \ f"the item has a value of '{self.prop}' that " \ "is too far from the label average. (mean of " \ f"'{self.label_name}' label: {self.mean}, got '{self.val}')."
[docs]@define(auto_exc=False) class FarFromAttrMean(DatasetItemValidationError): label_name = field() ann_id = field() attr_name = field() attr_value = field() prop = field() mean = field() val = field() def __str__(self): return f"Annotation '{self.ann_id}' in the " \ f"item has a value of '{self.prop}' that " \ "is too far from the attribute average. (mean of " \ f"'{self.attr_name}' = '{self.attr_value}' for the " \ f"'{self.label_name}' label: {self.mean}, got '{self.val}')."