Source code for datumaro.plugins.widerface_format

# Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

import os
import os.path as osp
import re

from datumaro.components.annotation import (
    AnnotationType, Bbox, Label, LabelCategories,
from datumaro.components.converter import Converter
from datumaro.components.extractor import DatasetItem, Importer, SourceExtractor
from datumaro.components.format_detection import FormatDetectionContext
from datumaro.util import str_to_bool
from datumaro.util.meta_file_util import has_meta_file, parse_meta_file

[docs]class WiderFacePath: IMAGE_EXT = '.jpg' ANNOTATIONS_DIR = 'wider_face_split' IMAGES_DIR = 'images' SUBSET_DIR = 'WIDER_' LABELS_FILE = 'labels.txt' IMAGES_DIR_NO_LABEL = 'no_label' BBOX_ATTRIBUTES = ['blur', 'expression', 'illumination', 'occluded', 'pose', 'invalid'] DEFAULT_LABEL = 'face'
[docs]class WiderFaceExtractor(SourceExtractor):
[docs] def __init__(self, path, subset=None): if not osp.isfile(path): raise Exception("Can't read annotation file '%s'" % path) self._path = path self._dataset_dir = osp.dirname(osp.dirname(path)) if not subset: subset = osp.splitext(osp.basename(path))[0] if re.fullmatch(r'wider_face_\S+((_bbx_gt)|(_filelist))', subset): subset = subset.split('_')[2] super().__init__(subset=subset) self._categories = self._load_categories() self._items = list(self._load_items(path).values())
def _load_categories(self): label_cat = LabelCategories() if has_meta_file(self._dataset_dir): labels = parse_meta_file(self._dataset_dir).keys() for label in labels: label_cat.add(label) elif osp.isfile(osp.join(self._dataset_dir, WiderFacePath.LABELS_FILE)): path = osp.join(self._dataset_dir, WiderFacePath.LABELS_FILE) with open(path, encoding='utf-8') as labels_file: for line in labels_file: label_cat.add(line.strip()) else: label_cat.add(WiderFacePath.DEFAULT_LABEL) subset_path = osp.join(self._dataset_dir, WiderFacePath.SUBSET_DIR + self._subset, WiderFacePath.IMAGES_DIR) if osp.isdir(subset_path): for images_dir in sorted(os.listdir(subset_path)): if osp.isdir(osp.join(subset_path, images_dir)) and \ images_dir != WiderFacePath.IMAGES_DIR_NO_LABEL: if '--' in images_dir: images_dir = images_dir.split('--')[1] if images_dir != WiderFacePath.DEFAULT_LABEL: label_cat.add(images_dir) if len(label_cat) == 1: label_cat = LabelCategories() return { AnnotationType.label: label_cat } def _load_items(self, path): items = {} label_categories = self._categories[AnnotationType.label] with open(path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: lines = f.readlines() line_ids = [line_idx for line_idx, line in enumerate(lines) if ('/' in line or '\\' in line) and '.' in line] \ # a heuristic for paths for line_idx in line_ids: image_path = lines[line_idx].strip() item_id = osp.splitext(image_path)[0] item_id = item_id.replace('\\', '/') image_path = osp.join(self._dataset_dir, WiderFacePath.SUBSET_DIR + self._subset, WiderFacePath.IMAGES_DIR, image_path) annotations = [] if '/' in item_id: label_name = item_id.split('/')[0] if '--' in label_name: label_name = label_name.split('--')[1] if label_name != WiderFacePath.IMAGES_DIR_NO_LABEL: label = label_categories.find(label_name)[0] if label is not None: annotations.append(Label(label=label)) item_id = item_id[len(item_id.split('/')[0]) + 1:] items[item_id] = DatasetItem(id=item_id, subset=self._subset, image=image_path, annotations=annotations) try: bbox_count = int(lines[line_idx + 1]) except ValueError: # can be the next image continue except IndexError: # the file can only contain names of images continue bbox_lines = lines[line_idx + 2 : line_idx + bbox_count + 2] for bbox in bbox_lines: bbox_list = bbox.split() if 4 <= len(bbox_list): label = label_categories.find(WiderFacePath.DEFAULT_LABEL)[0] if len(bbox_list) == 5 or len(bbox_list) == 11: label_name = bbox_list[-1] label = label_categories.find(label_name)[0] if label is None and len(label_categories) == 0: label_categories.add(WiderFacePath.DEFAULT_LABEL) label = label_categories.find(WiderFacePath.DEFAULT_LABEL)[0] attributes = {} if 10 <= len(bbox_list): i = 4 for attr in WiderFacePath.BBOX_ATTRIBUTES: if bbox_list[i] != '-': if bbox_list[i] in ['True', 'False']: attributes[attr] = str_to_bool(bbox_list[i]) else: attributes[attr] = bbox_list[i] i += 1 annotations.append(Bbox( float(bbox_list[0]), float(bbox_list[1]), float(bbox_list[2]), float(bbox_list[3]), attributes=attributes, label=label )) return items
[docs]class WiderFaceImporter(Importer):
[docs] @classmethod def detect(cls, context: FormatDetectionContext) -> None: context.require_file(f'{WiderFacePath.ANNOTATIONS_DIR}/*.txt')
[docs] @classmethod def find_sources(cls, path): return cls._find_sources_recursive(path, '.txt', 'wider_face', dirname=WiderFacePath.ANNOTATIONS_DIR)
[docs]class WiderFaceConverter(Converter): DEFAULT_IMAGE_EXT = WiderFacePath.IMAGE_EXT
[docs] def apply(self): save_dir = self._save_dir os.makedirs(save_dir, exist_ok=True) label_categories = self._extractor.categories()[AnnotationType.label] if self._save_dataset_meta: self._save_meta_file(save_dir) else: labels_path = osp.join(save_dir, WiderFacePath.LABELS_FILE) with open(labels_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write('\n'.join( for label in label_categories)) for subset_name, subset in self._extractor.subsets().items(): subset_dir = osp.join(save_dir, WiderFacePath.SUBSET_DIR + subset_name) wider_annotation = '' for item in subset: labels = [a.label for a in item.annotations if a.type == AnnotationType.label] if labels: image_path = self._make_image_filename(item, subdir='%s--%s' % ( labels[0], label_categories[labels[0]].name)) else: image_path = self._make_image_filename(item, subdir=WiderFacePath.IMAGES_DIR_NO_LABEL) wider_annotation += image_path + '\n' if item.has_image and self._save_images: self._save_image(item, osp.join(save_dir, subset_dir, WiderFacePath.IMAGES_DIR, image_path)) bboxes = [a for a in item.annotations if a.type == AnnotationType.bbox] if 0 < len(bboxes): wider_annotation += '%s\n' % len(bboxes) for bbox in bboxes: wider_bb = ' '.join('%s' % p for p in bbox.get_bbox()) wider_annotation += '%s ' % wider_bb if bbox.attributes: wider_attr = '' attr_counter = 0 for attr in WiderFacePath.BBOX_ATTRIBUTES: if attr in bbox.attributes: wider_attr += '%s ' % bbox.attributes[attr] attr_counter += 1 else: wider_attr += '- ' if 0 < attr_counter: wider_annotation += wider_attr if label_categories[bbox.label].name != WiderFacePath.DEFAULT_LABEL and \ bbox.label is not None: wider_annotation += '%s' % label_categories[bbox.label].name wider_annotation += '\n' annotation_path = osp.join(save_dir, WiderFacePath.ANNOTATIONS_DIR, 'wider_face_' + subset_name + '_bbx_gt.txt') os.makedirs(osp.dirname(annotation_path), exist_ok=True) with open(annotation_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(wider_annotation)