Source code for datumaro.plugins.transforms

# Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

from __future__ import annotations

from collections import Counter
from copy import deepcopy
from enum import Enum, auto
from itertools import chain
from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
import argparse
import logging as log
import os.path as osp
import random
import re

import cv2
import numpy as np
import pycocotools.mask as mask_utils

from datumaro.components.annotation import (
    AnnotationType, Bbox, Caption, Label, LabelCategories, Mask, MaskCategories,
    Points, PointsCategories, Polygon, PolyLine, RleMask,
from datumaro.components.cli_plugin import CliPlugin
from datumaro.components.errors import DatumaroError
from datumaro.components.extractor import (
    DEFAULT_SUBSET_NAME, DatasetItem, IExtractor, ItemTransform, Transform,
from import Image
from datumaro.util import NOTSET, filter_dict, parse_str_enum_value, take_by
from datumaro.util.annotation_util import find_group_leader, find_instances
import datumaro.util.mask_tools as mask_tools

[docs]class CropCoveredSegments(ItemTransform, CliPlugin): """ Sorts polygons and masks ("segments") according to `z_order`, crops covered areas of underlying segments. If a segment is split into several independent parts by the segments above, produces the corresponding number of separate annotations joined into a group. """
[docs] def transform_item(self, item): annotations = [] segments = [] for ann in item.annotations: if ann.type in {AnnotationType.polygon, AnnotationType.mask}: segments.append(ann) else: annotations.append(ann) if not segments: return item if not item.has_image: raise Exception("Image info is required for this transform") h, w = item.image.size segments = self.crop_segments(segments, w, h) annotations += segments return self.wrap_item(item, annotations=annotations)
[docs] @classmethod def crop_segments(cls, segment_anns, img_width, img_height): segment_anns = sorted(segment_anns, key=lambda x: x.z_order) segments = [] for s in segment_anns: if s.type == AnnotationType.polygon: segments.append(s.points) elif s.type == AnnotationType.mask: if isinstance(s, RleMask): rle = s.rle else: rle = mask_tools.mask_to_rle(s.image) segments.append(rle) segments = mask_tools.crop_covered_segments( segments, img_width, img_height) new_anns = [] for ann, new_segment in zip(segment_anns, segments): fields = {'z_order': ann.z_order, 'label': ann.label, 'id':, 'group':, 'attributes': ann.attributes } if ann.type == AnnotationType.polygon: if fields['group'] is None: fields['group'] = cls._make_group_id( segment_anns + new_anns, fields['id']) for polygon in new_segment: new_anns.append(Polygon(points=polygon, **fields)) else: rle = mask_tools.mask_to_rle(new_segment) rle = mask_utils.frPyObjects(rle, *rle['size']) new_anns.append(RleMask(rle=rle, **fields)) return new_anns
@staticmethod def _make_group_id(anns, ann_id): if ann_id: return ann_id max_gid = max(anns, default=0, key=lambda x: return max_gid + 1
[docs]class MergeInstanceSegments(ItemTransform, CliPlugin): """ Replaces instance masks and, optionally, polygons with a single mask. A group of annotations with the same group id is considered an "instance". The largest annotation in the group is considered the group "head", so the resulting mask takes properties from that annotation. """
[docs] @classmethod def build_cmdline_parser(cls, **kwargs): parser = super().build_cmdline_parser(**kwargs) parser.add_argument('--include-polygons', action='store_true', help="Include polygons") return parser
[docs] def __init__(self, extractor, include_polygons=False): super().__init__(extractor) self._include_polygons = include_polygons
[docs] def transform_item(self, item): annotations = [] segments = [] for ann in item.annotations: if ann.type in {AnnotationType.polygon, AnnotationType.mask}: segments.append(ann) else: annotations.append(ann) if not segments: return item if not item.has_image: raise Exception("Image info is required for this transform") h, w = item.image.size instances = self.find_instances(segments) segments = [self.merge_segments(i, w, h, self._include_polygons) for i in instances] segments = sum(segments, []) annotations += segments return self.wrap_item(item, annotations=annotations)
[docs] @classmethod def merge_segments(cls, instance, img_width, img_height, include_polygons=False): polygons = [a for a in instance if a.type == AnnotationType.polygon] masks = [a for a in instance if a.type == AnnotationType.mask] if not polygons and not masks: return [] if not polygons and len(masks) == 1: return masks leader = find_group_leader(polygons + masks) instance = [] # Build the resulting mask mask = None if include_polygons and polygons: polygons = [p.points for p in polygons] mask = mask_tools.rles_to_mask(polygons, img_width, img_height) else: instance += polygons # keep unused polygons if masks: masks = (m.image for m in masks) if mask is not None: masks = chain(masks, [mask]) mask = mask_tools.merge_masks(masks) if mask is None: return instance mask = mask_tools.mask_to_rle(mask) mask = mask_utils.frPyObjects(mask, *mask['size']) instance.append( RleMask(rle=mask, label=leader.label, z_order=leader.z_order,, attributes=leader.attributes, ) ) return instance
[docs] @staticmethod def find_instances(annotations): return find_instances(a for a in annotations if a.type in {AnnotationType.polygon, AnnotationType.mask})
[docs]class PolygonsToMasks(ItemTransform, CliPlugin):
[docs] def transform_item(self, item): annotations = [] for ann in item.annotations: if ann.type == AnnotationType.polygon: if not item.has_image: raise Exception("Image info is required for this transform") h, w = item.image.size annotations.append(self.convert_polygon(ann, h, w)) else: annotations.append(ann) return self.wrap_item(item, annotations=annotations)
[docs] @staticmethod def convert_polygon(polygon, img_h, img_w): rle = mask_utils.frPyObjects([polygon.points], img_h, img_w)[0] return RleMask(rle=rle, label=polygon.label, z_order=polygon.z_order,, attributes=polygon.attributes,
[docs]class BoxesToMasks(ItemTransform, CliPlugin):
[docs] def transform_item(self, item): annotations = [] for ann in item.annotations: if ann.type == AnnotationType.bbox: if not item.has_image: raise Exception("Image info is required for this transform") h, w = item.image.size annotations.append(self.convert_bbox(ann, h, w)) else: annotations.append(ann) return self.wrap_item(item, annotations=annotations)
[docs] @staticmethod def convert_bbox(bbox, img_h, img_w): rle = mask_utils.frPyObjects([bbox.as_polygon()], img_h, img_w)[0] return RleMask(rle=rle, label=bbox.label, z_order=bbox.z_order,, attributes=bbox.attributes,
[docs]class MasksToPolygons(ItemTransform, CliPlugin):
[docs] def transform_item(self, item): annotations = [] for ann in item.annotations: if ann.type == AnnotationType.mask: polygons = self.convert_mask(ann) if not polygons: log.debug("[%s]: item %s: " "Mask conversion to polygons resulted in too " "small polygons, which were discarded" % \ (self.NAME, annotations.extend(polygons) else: annotations.append(ann) return self.wrap_item(item, annotations=annotations)
[docs] @staticmethod def convert_mask(mask): polygons = mask_tools.mask_to_polygons(mask.image) return [ Polygon(points=p, label=mask.label, z_order=mask.z_order,, attributes=mask.attributes, for p in polygons ]
[docs]class ShapesToBoxes(ItemTransform, CliPlugin):
[docs] def transform_item(self, item): annotations = [] for ann in item.annotations: if ann.type in { AnnotationType.mask, AnnotationType.polygon, AnnotationType.polyline, AnnotationType.points, }: annotations.append(self.convert_shape(ann)) else: annotations.append(ann) return self.wrap_item(item, annotations=annotations)
[docs] @staticmethod def convert_shape(shape): bbox = shape.get_bbox() return Bbox(*bbox, label=shape.label, z_order=shape.z_order,, attributes=shape.attributes,
[docs]class Reindex(Transform, CliPlugin): """ Replaces dataset item IDs with sequential indices. """
[docs] @classmethod def build_cmdline_parser(cls, **kwargs): parser = super().build_cmdline_parser(**kwargs) parser.add_argument('-s', '--start', type=int, default=1, help="Start value for item ids") return parser
[docs] def __init__(self, extractor, start=1): super().__init__(extractor) self._length = 'parent' self._start = start
[docs] def __iter__(self): for i, item in enumerate(self._extractor): yield self.wrap_item(item, id=i + self._start)
[docs]class MapSubsets(ItemTransform, CliPlugin): """ Renames subsets in the dataset. """ @staticmethod def _mapping_arg(s): parts = s.split(':') if len(parts) != 2: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError() return parts
[docs] @classmethod def build_cmdline_parser(cls, **kwargs): parser = super().build_cmdline_parser(**kwargs) parser.add_argument('-s', '--subset', action='append', type=cls._mapping_arg, dest='mapping', help="Subset mapping of the form: 'src:dst' (repeatable)") return parser
[docs] def __init__(self, extractor, mapping=None): super().__init__(extractor) if mapping is None: mapping = {} elif not isinstance(mapping, dict): mapping = dict(tuple(m) for m in mapping) self._mapping = mapping if extractor.subsets(): counts = Counter(mapping.get(s, s) or DEFAULT_SUBSET_NAME for s in extractor.subsets()) if all(c == 1 for c in counts.values()): self._length = 'parent' self._subsets = set(counts)
[docs] def transform_item(self, item): return self.wrap_item(item, subset=self._mapping.get(item.subset, item.subset))
[docs]class RandomSplit(Transform, CliPlugin): """ Joins all subsets into one and splits the result into few parts. It is expected that item ids are unique and subset ratios sum up to 1.|n |n Example:|n |s|s|s|s%(prog)s --subset train:.67 --subset test:.33 """ # avoid _default_split = [('train', 0.67), ('test', 0.33)] @staticmethod def _split_arg(s): parts = s.split(':') if len(parts) != 2: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError() return (parts[0], float(parts[1]))
[docs] @classmethod def build_cmdline_parser(cls, **kwargs): parser = super().build_cmdline_parser(**kwargs) parser.add_argument('-s', '--subset', action='append', type=cls._split_arg, dest='splits', help="Subsets in the form: '<subset>:<ratio>' " "(repeatable, default: %s)" % dict(cls._default_split)) parser.add_argument('--seed', type=int, help="Random seed") return parser
[docs] def __init__(self, extractor, splits, seed=None): super().__init__(extractor) if splits is None: splits = self._default_split assert 0 < len(splits), "Expected at least one split" assert all(0.0 <= r and r <= 1.0 for _, r in splits), \ "Ratios are expected to be in the range [0; 1], but got %s" % splits total_ratio = sum(s[1] for s in splits) if not abs(total_ratio - 1.0) <= 1e-7: raise Exception( "Sum of ratios is expected to be 1, got %s, which is %s" % (splits, total_ratio)) dataset_size = len(extractor) indices = list(range(dataset_size)) random.seed(seed) random.shuffle(indices) parts = [] s = 0 lower_boundary = 0 for split_idx, (subset, ratio) in enumerate(splits): s += ratio upper_boundary = int(s * dataset_size) if split_idx == len(splits) - 1: upper_boundary = dataset_size subset_indices = set(indices[lower_boundary : upper_boundary]) parts.append((subset_indices, subset)) lower_boundary = upper_boundary self._parts = parts self._subsets = set(s[0] for s in splits) self._length = 'parent'
def _find_split(self, index): for subset_indices, subset in self._parts: if index in subset_indices: return subset return subset # all the possible remainder goes to the last split
[docs] def __iter__(self): for i, item in enumerate(self._extractor): yield self.wrap_item(item, subset=self._find_split(i))
[docs]class IdFromImageName(ItemTransform, CliPlugin): """ Renames items in the dataset using image file name (without extension). """
[docs] def transform_item(self, item): if item.has_image and item.image.path: name = osp.splitext(osp.basename(item.image.path))[0] return self.wrap_item(item, id=name) else: log.debug("Can't change item id for item '%s': " "item has no image info" % return item
[docs]class Rename(ItemTransform, CliPlugin): r""" Renames items in the dataset. Supports regular expressions. The first character in the expression is a delimiter for the pattern and replacement parts. Replacement part can also contain `str.format` replacement fields with the `item` (of type `DatasetItem`) object available.|n |n Examples:|n |s|s- Replace 'pattern' with 'replacement':|n |s|s|s|srename -e '|pattern|replacement|'|n |s|s- Remove 'frame_' from item ids:|n |s|s|s|srename -e '|^frame_||'|n |s|s- Rename by regex:|n |s|s|s|srename -e '|frame_(\d+)_extra|{item.subset}_id_\1|' """
[docs] @classmethod def build_cmdline_parser(cls, **kwargs): parser = super().build_cmdline_parser(**kwargs) parser.add_argument('-e', '--regex', help="Regex for renaming in the form " "'<sep><search><sep><replacement><sep>'") return parser
[docs] def __init__(self, extractor, regex): super().__init__(extractor) assert regex and isinstance(regex, str) parts = regex.split(regex[0], maxsplit=3) regex, sub = parts[1:3] self._re = re.compile(regex) self._sub = sub
[docs] def transform_item(self, item): return self.wrap_item(item, id=self._re.sub(self._sub, \ .format(item=item))
[docs]class RemapLabels(ItemTransform, CliPlugin): """ Changes labels in the dataset.|n |n A label can be:|n |s|s- renamed (and joined with existing) -|n |s|s|s|swhen '--label <old_name>:<new_name>' is specified|n |s|s- deleted - when '--label <name>:' is specified, or default action |n |s|s|s|sis 'delete' and the label is not mentioned in the list. |n |s|s|s|sWhen a label is deleted, all the associated annotations are removed|n |s|s- kept unchanged - when specified '--label <name>:<name>'|n |s|s|s|sor default action is 'keep' and the label is not mentioned in the list|n Annotations with no label are managed by the default action policy.|n |n Examples:|n |s|s- Remove the 'person' label (and corresponding annotations):|n |s|s|s|s%(prog)s -l person: --default keep|n |s|s- Rename 'person' to 'pedestrian' and 'human' to 'pedestrian', join:|n |s|s|s|s%(prog)s -l person:pedestrian -l human:pedestrian --default keep|n |s|s- Rename 'person' to 'car' and 'cat' to 'dog', keep 'bus', remove others:|n |s|s|s|s%(prog)s -l person:car -l bus:bus -l cat:dog --default delete """
[docs] class DefaultAction(Enum): keep = auto() delete = auto()
@staticmethod def _split_arg(s): parts = s.split(':') if len(parts) != 2: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError() return (parts[0], parts[1])
[docs] @classmethod def build_cmdline_parser(cls, **kwargs): parser = super().build_cmdline_parser(**kwargs) parser.add_argument('-l', '--label', action='append', type=cls._split_arg, dest='mapping', help="Label in the form of: '<src>:<dst>' (repeatable)") parser.add_argument('--default', choices=[ for a in cls.DefaultAction],, help="Action for unspecified labels (default: %(default)s)") return parser
[docs] def __init__(self, extractor: IExtractor, mapping: Union[Dict[str, str], List[Tuple[str, str]]], default: Union[None, str, DefaultAction] = None): super().__init__(extractor) default = parse_str_enum_value(default, self.DefaultAction, self.DefaultAction.keep) self._default_action = default assert isinstance(mapping, (dict, list)) if isinstance(mapping, list): mapping = dict(mapping) self._categories = {} src_categories = self._extractor.categories() src_label_cat = src_categories.get(AnnotationType.label) if src_label_cat is not None: self._make_label_id_map(src_label_cat, mapping, default) src_mask_cat = src_categories.get(AnnotationType.mask) if src_mask_cat is not None: assert src_label_cat is not None dst_mask_cat = MaskCategories( attributes=deepcopy(src_mask_cat.attributes)) for old_id, old_color in src_mask_cat.colormap.items(): new_id = self._map_id(old_id) if new_id is not None and new_id not in dst_mask_cat: dst_mask_cat.colormap[new_id] = deepcopy(old_color) self._categories[AnnotationType.mask] = dst_mask_cat src_point_cat = src_categories.get(AnnotationType.points) if src_point_cat is not None: assert src_label_cat is not None dst_point_cat = PointsCategories( attributes=deepcopy(src_point_cat.attributes)) for old_id, old_cat in src_point_cat.items.items(): new_id = self._map_id(old_id) if new_id is not None and new_id not in dst_point_cat: dst_point_cat.items[new_id] = deepcopy(old_cat) self._categories[AnnotationType.points] = dst_point_cat assert len(self._categories) == len(src_categories)
def _make_label_id_map(self, src_label_cat, label_mapping, default_action): dst_label_cat = LabelCategories( attributes=deepcopy(src_label_cat.attributes)) id_mapping = {} for src_index, src_label in enumerate(src_label_cat.items): dst_label = label_mapping.get(, NOTSET) if dst_label is NOTSET and default_action == self.DefaultAction.keep: dst_label = # keep unspecified as is elif not dst_label or dst_label is NOTSET: continue dst_index = dst_label_cat.find(dst_label)[0] if dst_index is None: dst_index = dst_label_cat.add(dst_label, src_label.parent, deepcopy(src_label.attributes)) id_mapping[src_index] = dst_index if log.getLogger().isEnabledFor(log.DEBUG): log.debug("Label mapping:") for src_id, src_label in enumerate(src_label_cat.items): if id_mapping.get(src_id) is not None: log.debug("#%s '%s' -> #%s '%s'", src_id,, id_mapping[src_id], dst_label_cat.items[id_mapping[src_id]].name ) else: log.debug("#%s '%s' -> <deleted>", src_id, self._map_id = lambda src_id: id_mapping.get(src_id, None) for label in dst_label_cat: if label.parent not in dst_label_cat: label.parent = '' self._categories[AnnotationType.label] = dst_label_cat
[docs] def categories(self): return self._categories
[docs] def transform_item(self, item): annotations = [] for ann in item.annotations: if getattr(ann, 'label', None) is not None: conv_label = self._map_id(ann.label) if conv_label is not None: annotations.append(ann.wrap(label=conv_label)) elif self._default_action is self.DefaultAction.keep: annotations.append(ann.wrap()) return item.wrap(annotations=annotations)
[docs]class ProjectLabels(ItemTransform): """ Changes the order of labels in the dataset from the existing to the desired one, removes unknown labels and adds new labels. Updates or removes the corresponding annotations.|n |n Labels are matched by names (case dependent). Parent labels are only kept if they are present in the resulting set of labels. If new labels are added, and the dataset has mask colors defined, new labels will obtain generated colors.|n |n Useful for merging similar datasets, whose labels need to be aligned.|n |n Examples:|n |s|s- Align the source dataset labels to [person, cat, dog]:|n |s|s|s|s%(prog)s -l person -l cat -l dog """
[docs] @classmethod def build_cmdline_parser(cls, **kwargs): parser = super().build_cmdline_parser(**kwargs) parser.add_argument('-l', '--label', action='append', dest='dst_labels', help="Label name (repeatable, ordered)") return parser
[docs] def __init__(self, extractor: IExtractor, dst_labels: Union[Iterable[str], LabelCategories]): super().__init__(extractor) self._categories = {} src_categories = self._extractor.categories() src_label_cat = src_categories.get(AnnotationType.label) if isinstance(dst_labels, LabelCategories): dst_label_cat = deepcopy(dst_labels) else: dst_labels = list(dst_labels) if src_label_cat: dst_label_cat = LabelCategories( attributes=deepcopy(src_label_cat.attributes)) for dst_label in dst_labels: assert isinstance(dst_label, str) src_label = src_label_cat.find(dst_label)[1] if src_label is not None: dst_label_cat.add(dst_label, src_label.parent, deepcopy(src_label.attributes)) else: dst_label_cat.add(dst_label) else: dst_label_cat = LabelCategories.from_iterable(dst_labels) for label in dst_label_cat: if label.parent not in dst_label_cat: label.parent = '' self._categories[AnnotationType.label] = dst_label_cat self._make_label_id_map(src_label_cat, dst_label_cat) src_mask_cat = src_categories.get(AnnotationType.mask) if src_mask_cat is not None: assert src_label_cat is not None dst_mask_cat = MaskCategories( attributes=deepcopy(src_mask_cat.attributes)) for old_id, old_color in src_mask_cat.colormap.items(): new_id = self._map_id(old_id) if new_id is not None and new_id not in dst_mask_cat: dst_mask_cat.colormap[new_id] = deepcopy(old_color) # Generate new colors for new labels, keep old untouched existing_colors = set(dst_mask_cat.colormap.values()) color_bank = iter(mask_tools.generate_colormap( len(dst_label_cat), include_background=False).values()) for new_id, new_label in enumerate(dst_label_cat): if in src_label_cat: continue if new_id in dst_mask_cat: continue color = next(color_bank) while color in existing_colors: color = next(color_bank) dst_mask_cat.colormap[new_id] = color self._categories[AnnotationType.mask] = dst_mask_cat src_point_cat = src_categories.get(AnnotationType.points) if src_point_cat is not None: assert src_label_cat is not None dst_point_cat = PointsCategories( attributes=deepcopy(src_point_cat.attributes)) for old_id, old_cat in src_point_cat.items.items(): new_id = self._map_id(old_id) if new_id is not None and new_id not in dst_point_cat: dst_point_cat.items[new_id] = deepcopy(old_cat) self._categories[AnnotationType.points] = dst_point_cat
def _make_label_id_map(self, src_label_cat, dst_label_cat): id_mapping = { src_id: dst_label_cat.find(src_label_cat[src_id].name)[0] for src_id in range(len(src_label_cat or ())) } self._map_id = lambda src_id: id_mapping.get(src_id, None)
[docs] def categories(self): return self._categories
[docs] def transform_item(self, item): annotations = [] for ann in item.annotations: if getattr(ann, 'label', None) is not None: conv_label = self._map_id(ann.label) if conv_label is not None: annotations.append(ann.wrap(label=conv_label)) else: annotations.append(ann.wrap()) return item.wrap(annotations=annotations)
[docs]class AnnsToLabels(ItemTransform, CliPlugin): """ Collects all labels from annotations (of all types) and transforms them into a set of annotations of type Label """
[docs] def transform_item(self, item): labels = set(p.label for p in item.annotations if getattr(p, 'label') is not None) annotations = [] for label in labels: annotations.append(Label(label=label)) return item.wrap(annotations=annotations)
[docs]class BboxValuesDecrement(ItemTransform, CliPlugin): """ Subtracts one from the coordinates of bounding boxes """
[docs] def transform_item(self, item): annotations = [p for p in item.annotations if p.type != AnnotationType.bbox] bboxes = [p for p in item.annotations if p.type == AnnotationType.bbox] for bbox in bboxes: annotations.append(Bbox( bbox.x - 1, bbox.y - 1, bbox.w, bbox.h, label=bbox.label, attributes=bbox.attributes)) return item.wrap(annotations=annotations)
[docs]class ResizeTransform(ItemTransform): """ Resizes images and annotations in the dataset to the specified size. Supports upscaling, downscaling and mixed variants.|n |n Examples:|n - Resize all images to 256x256 size|n |s|s%(prog)s -dw 256 -dh 256 """
[docs] @classmethod def build_cmdline_parser(cls, **kwargs): parser = super().build_cmdline_parser(**kwargs) parser.add_argument('-dw', '--width', type=int, help="Destination image width") parser.add_argument('-dh', '--height', type=int, help="Destination image height") return parser
[docs] def __init__(self, extractor: IExtractor, width: int, height: int) -> None: super().__init__(extractor) assert width > 0 and height > 0 self._width = width self._height = height
@staticmethod def _lazy_resize_image(image, new_size): def _resize_image(_): h, w = image.size yscale = new_size[0] / float(h) xscale = new_size[1] / float(w) # LANCZOS4 is preferable for upscaling, but it works quite slow method = cv2.INTER_AREA if (xscale * yscale) < 1 \ else cv2.INTER_CUBIC resized_image = cv2.resize( / 255.0, new_size[::-1], interpolation=method) resized_image *= 255.0 return resized_image return Image(_resize_image, ext=image.ext, size=new_size) @staticmethod def _lazy_resize_mask(mask, new_size): def _resize_image(): # Can use only NEAREST for masks, # because we can't have interpolated values rescaled_mask = cv2.resize(mask.image.astype(np.float32), new_size[::-1], interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) return rescaled_mask.astype(np.uint8) return _resize_image
[docs] def transform_item(self, item): if not item.has_image: raise DatumaroError("Item %s: image info is required for this " "transform" % (, )) h, w = item.image.size xscale = self._width / float(w) yscale = self._height / float(h) new_size = (self._height, self._width) resized_image = None if item.image.has_data: resized_image = self._lazy_resize_image(item.image, new_size) resized_annotations = [] for ann in item.annotations: if isinstance(ann, Bbox): resized_annotations.append(ann.wrap( x=ann.x * xscale, y=ann.y * yscale, w=ann.w * xscale, h=ann.h * yscale, )) elif isinstance(ann, (Polygon, Points, PolyLine)): resized_annotations.append(ann.wrap( points=[p for t in ((x * xscale, y * yscale) for x, y in take_by(ann.points, 2) ) for p in t ] )) elif isinstance(ann, Mask): rescaled_mask = self._lazy_resize_mask(ann, new_size) resized_annotations.append(ann.wrap(image=rescaled_mask)) elif isinstance(ann, (Caption, Label)): resized_annotations.append(ann) else: assert False, f"Unexpected annotation type {type(ann)}" return self.wrap_item(item, image=resized_image, annotations=resized_annotations)
[docs]class RemoveItems(ItemTransform): """ Allows to remove specific dataset items from dataset by their ids.|n |n Can be useful to clean the dataset from broken or unnecessary samples.|n |n Examples:|n - Remove specific items from the dataset|n |s|s%(prog)s --id 'image1:train' --id 'image2:test' """ @staticmethod def _parse_id(s): full_id = s.split(':') if len(full_id) != 2: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(None, message="Invalid id format of '%s'. " "Expected a 'name:subset' pair." % s) return full_id
[docs] @classmethod def build_cmdline_parser(cls, **kwargs): parser = super().build_cmdline_parser(**kwargs) parser.add_argument('--id', dest='ids', type=cls._parse_id, action='append', required=True, help="Item id to remove. Id is 'name:subset' pair (repeatable)") return parser
[docs] def __init__(self, extractor: IExtractor, ids: Iterable[Tuple[str, str]]): super().__init__(extractor) self._ids = set(tuple(v) for v in (ids or []))
[docs] def transform_item(self, item): if (, item.subset) in self._ids: return None return item
[docs]class RemoveAnnotations(ItemTransform): """ Allows to remove annotations on specific dataset items.|n |n Can be useful to clean the dataset from broken or unnecessary annotations.|n |n Examples:|n - Remove annotations from specific items in the dataset|n |s|s%(prog)s --id 'image1:train' --id 'image2:test' """ @staticmethod def _parse_id(s): full_id = s.split(':') if len(full_id) != 2: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(None, message="Invalid id format of '%s'. " "Expected a 'name:subset' pair." % s) return full_id
[docs] @classmethod def build_cmdline_parser(cls, **kwargs): parser = super().build_cmdline_parser(**kwargs) parser.add_argument('--id', dest='ids', type=cls._parse_id, action='append', help="Image id to clean from annotations. " "Id is 'name:subset' pair. If not specified, removes " "all annotations (repeatable)") return parser
[docs] def __init__(self, extractor: IExtractor, *, ids: Optional[Iterable[Tuple[str, str]]] = None): super().__init__(extractor) self._ids = set(tuple(v) for v in (ids or []))
[docs] def transform_item(self, item: DatasetItem): if not self._ids or (, item.subset) in self._ids: return item.wrap(annotations=[]) return item
[docs]class RemoveAttributes(ItemTransform): """ Allows to remove item and annotation attributes in a dataset.|n |n Can be useful to clean the dataset from broken or unnecessary attributes.|n |n Examples:|n - Remove the `is_crowd` attribute from dataset|n |s|s%(prog)s --attr 'is_crowd'|n |n - Remove the `occluded` attribute from annotations of|n |s|sthe `2010_001705` item in the `train` subset|n |s|s%(prog)s --id '2010_001705:train' --attr 'occluded' """ @staticmethod def _parse_id(s): full_id = s.split(':') if len(full_id) != 2: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(None, message="Invalid id format of '%s'. " "Expected a 'name:subset' pair." % s) return full_id
[docs] @classmethod def build_cmdline_parser(cls, **kwargs): parser = super().build_cmdline_parser(**kwargs) parser.add_argument('--id', dest='ids', type=cls._parse_id, action='append', help="Image id to clean from annotations. " "Id is 'name:subset' pair. If not specified, " "affects all images and annotations (repeatable)") parser.add_argument('-a', '--attr', action='append', dest='attributes', help="Attribute name to be removed. If not specified, " "removes all attributes (repeatable)") return parser
[docs] def __init__(self, extractor: IExtractor, ids: Optional[Iterable[Tuple[str, str]]] = None, attributes: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None): super().__init__(extractor) self._ids = set(tuple(v) for v in (ids or [])) self._attributes = set(attributes or [])
def _filter_attrs(self, attrs): if not self._attributes: return None else: return filter_dict(attrs, exclude_keys=self._attributes)
[docs] def transform_item(self, item: DatasetItem): if not self._ids or (, item.subset) in self._ids: filtered_annotations = [] for ann in item.annotations: filtered_annotations.append(ann.wrap( attributes=self._filter_attrs(ann.attributes))) return item.wrap(attributes=self._filter_attrs(item.attributes), annotations=filtered_annotations) return item