Source code for datumaro.plugins.openvino_plugin.launcher

# Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

# pylint: disable=exec-used

import logging as log
import os.path as osp
import shutil

import cv2
import numpy as np
from openvino.inference_engine import IECore

from datumaro.components.cli_plugin import CliPlugin
from datumaro.components.launcher import Launcher

class _OpenvinoImporter(CliPlugin):
    def _parse_output_layers(s):
        return [s.strip() for s in s.split(",")]

    def build_cmdline_parser(cls, **kwargs):
        parser = super().build_cmdline_parser(**kwargs)
            "-d", "--description", required=True, help="Path to the model description file (.xml)"
            "-w", "--weights", required=True, help="Path to the model weights file (.bin)"
            help="Path to the network output interprter script (.py)",
        parser.add_argument("--device", default="CPU", help="Target device (default: %(default)s)")
            help="A comma-separated list of extra output layers",
        return parser

    def copy_model(model_dir, model):
        shutil.copy(model["description"], osp.join(model_dir, osp.basename(model["description"])))
        model["description"] = osp.basename(model["description"])

        shutil.copy(model["weights"], osp.join(model_dir, osp.basename(model["weights"])))
        model["weights"] = osp.basename(model["weights"])

        shutil.copy(model["interpreter"], osp.join(model_dir, osp.basename(model["interpreter"])))
        model["interpreter"] = osp.basename(model["interpreter"])

[docs]class InterpreterScript:
[docs] def __init__(self, path): with open(path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: script = context = {} exec(script, context, context) process_outputs = context.get("process_outputs") if not callable(process_outputs): raise Exception("Can't find 'process_outputs' function in " "the interpreter script") self.__dict__["process_outputs"] = process_outputs get_categories = context.get("get_categories") assert get_categories is None or callable(get_categories) if get_categories: self.__dict__["get_categories"] = get_categories
[docs] @staticmethod def get_categories(): return None
[docs] @staticmethod def process_outputs(inputs, outputs): raise NotImplementedError("Function should be implemented in the interpreter script")
[docs]class OpenvinoLauncher(Launcher): cli_plugin = _OpenvinoImporter
[docs] def __init__( self, description, weights, interpreter, device=None, model_dir=None, output_layers=None ): if not model_dir: model_dir = "" if not osp.isfile(description): description = osp.join(model_dir, description) if not osp.isfile(description): raise Exception('Failed to open model description file "%s"' % (description)) if not osp.isfile(weights): weights = osp.join(model_dir, weights) if not osp.isfile(weights): raise Exception('Failed to open model weights file "%s"' % (weights)) if not osp.isfile(interpreter): interpreter = osp.join(model_dir, interpreter) if not osp.isfile(interpreter): raise Exception('Failed to open model interpreter script file "%s"' % (interpreter)) self._interpreter = InterpreterScript(interpreter) self._device = device or "CPU" self._output_blobs = output_layers self._ie = IECore() self._network = self._ie.read_network(description, weights) self._check_model_support(self._network, self._device) self._load_executable_net()
def _check_model_support(self, net, device): not_supported_layers = set( name for name, dev in self._ie.query_network(net, device).items() if not dev ) if len(not_supported_layers) != 0: log.error( "The following layers are not supported " "by the plugin for device '%s': %s." % (device, ", ".join(not_supported_layers)) ) raise NotImplementedError("Some layers are not supported on the device") def _load_executable_net(self, batch_size=1): network = self._network if self._output_blobs: network.add_outputs(self._output_blobs) iter_inputs = iter(network.input_info) self._input_blob = next(iter_inputs) # NOTE: handling for the inclusion of `image_info` in OpenVino2019 self._require_image_info = "image_info" in network.input_info if self._input_blob == "image_info": self._input_blob = next(iter_inputs) self._input_layout = network.input_info[self._input_blob].input_data.shape self._input_layout[0] = batch_size network.reshape({self._input_blob: self._input_layout}) self._batch_size = batch_size self._net = self._ie.load_network(network=network, num_requests=1, device_name=self._device)
[docs] def infer(self, inputs): assert len(inputs.shape) == 4, "Expected an input image in (N, H, W, C) format, got %s" % ( inputs.shape, ) if inputs.shape[3] == 1: # A batch of single-channel images inputs = np.repeat(inputs, 3, axis=3) assert inputs.shape[3] == 3, "Expected BGR input, got %s" % (inputs.shape,) n, c, h, w = self._input_layout if inputs.shape[1:3] != (h, w): resized_inputs = np.empty((n, h, w, c), dtype=inputs.dtype) for inp, resized_input in zip(inputs, resized_inputs): cv2.resize(inp, (w, h), resized_input) inputs = resized_inputs inputs = inputs.transpose((0, 3, 1, 2)) # NHWC to NCHW inputs = {self._input_blob: inputs} if self._require_image_info: info = np.zeros([1, 3]) info[0, 0] = h info[0, 1] = w info[0, 2] = 1.0 # scale inputs["image_info"] = info results = self._net.infer(inputs) if len(results) == 1: return next(iter(results.values())) else: return results
[docs] def launch(self, inputs): batch_size = len(inputs) if self._batch_size < batch_size: self._load_executable_net(batch_size) outputs = self.infer(inputs) results = self.process_outputs(inputs, outputs) return results
[docs] def categories(self): return self._interpreter.get_categories()
[docs] def process_outputs(self, inputs, outputs): return self._interpreter.process_outputs(inputs, outputs)