Source code for datumaro.components.algorithms.rise

# Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

# pylint: disable=unused-variable

from math import ceil

import numpy as np

from datumaro.components.annotation import AnnotationType
from datumaro.util.annotation_util import nms

[docs]def flatmatvec(mat): return np.reshape(mat, (len(mat), -1))
[docs]def expand(array, axis=None): if axis is None: axis = len(array.shape) return np.expand_dims(array, axis=axis)
[docs]class RISE: """ Implements RISE: Randomized Input Sampling for Explanation of Black-box Models algorithm. See explanations at: """
[docs] def __init__( self, model, max_samples=None, mask_width=7, mask_height=7, prob=0.5, iou_thresh=0.9, nms_thresh=0.0, det_conf_thresh=0.0, batch_size=1, ): self.model = model self.max_samples = max_samples self.mask_height = mask_height self.mask_width = mask_width self.prob = prob self.iou_thresh = iou_thresh self.nms_thresh = nms_thresh self.det_conf_thresh = det_conf_thresh self.batch_size = batch_size
[docs] @staticmethod def split_outputs(annotations): labels = [] bboxes = [] for r in annotations: if r.type is AnnotationType.label: labels.append(r) elif r.type is AnnotationType.bbox: bboxes.append(r) return labels, bboxes
[docs] def normalize_hmaps(self, heatmaps, counts): eps = np.finfo(heatmaps.dtype).eps mhmaps = flatmatvec(heatmaps) mhmaps /= expand(counts * self.prob + eps) mhmaps -= expand(np.min(mhmaps, axis=1)) mhmaps /= expand(np.max(mhmaps, axis=1) + eps) return np.reshape(mhmaps, heatmaps.shape)
[docs] def apply(self, image, progressive=False): import cv2 assert len(image.shape) in [2, 3], "Expected an input image in (H, W, C) format" if len(image.shape) == 3: assert image.shape[2] in [3, 4], "Expected BGR or BGRA input" image = image[:, :, :3].astype(np.float32) model = self.model iou_thresh = self.iou_thresh image_size = np.array((image.shape[:2])) mask_size = np.array((self.mask_height, self.mask_width)) cell_size = np.ceil(image_size / mask_size) upsampled_size = np.ceil((mask_size + 1) * cell_size) rng = lambda shape=None: np.random.rand(*shape) samples = if self.max_samples is not None: samples = min(self.max_samples, samples) batch_size = self.batch_size result = next(iter(model.launch(expand(image, 0)))) result_labels, result_bboxes = self.split_outputs(result) if 0 < self.det_conf_thresh: result_bboxes = [ b for b in result_bboxes if self.det_conf_thresh <= b.attributes["score"] ] if 0 < self.nms_thresh: result_bboxes = nms(result_bboxes, self.nms_thresh) predicted_labels = set() if len(result_labels) != 0: predicted_label = max(result_labels, key=lambda r: r.attributes["score"]).label predicted_labels.add(predicted_label) if len(result_bboxes) != 0: for bbox in result_bboxes: predicted_labels.add(bbox.label) predicted_labels = {label: idx for idx, label in enumerate(predicted_labels)} predicted_bboxes = result_bboxes heatmaps_count = len(predicted_labels) + len(predicted_bboxes) heatmaps = np.zeros((heatmaps_count, *image_size), dtype=np.float32) total_counts = np.zeros(heatmaps_count, dtype=np.int32) confs = np.zeros(heatmaps_count, dtype=np.float32) heatmap_id = 0 label_heatmaps = None label_total_counts = None label_confs = None if len(predicted_labels) != 0: step = len(predicted_labels) label_heatmaps = heatmaps[heatmap_id : heatmap_id + step] label_total_counts = total_counts[heatmap_id : heatmap_id + step] label_confs = confs[heatmap_id : heatmap_id + step] heatmap_id += step bbox_heatmaps = None bbox_total_counts = None bbox_confs = None if len(predicted_bboxes) != 0: step = len(predicted_bboxes) bbox_heatmaps = heatmaps[heatmap_id : heatmap_id + step] bbox_total_counts = total_counts[heatmap_id : heatmap_id + step] bbox_confs = confs[heatmap_id : heatmap_id + step] heatmap_id += step ups_mask = np.empty(upsampled_size.astype(int), dtype=np.float32) masks = np.empty((batch_size, *image_size), dtype=np.float32) full_batch_inputs = np.empty((batch_size, *image.shape), dtype=np.float32) current_heatmaps = np.empty_like(heatmaps) for b in range(ceil(samples / batch_size)): batch_pos = b * batch_size current_batch_size = min(samples - batch_pos, batch_size) batch_masks = masks[:current_batch_size] for i in range(current_batch_size): mask = (rng(mask_size) < self.prob).astype(np.float32) cv2.resize(mask, (int(upsampled_size[1]), int(upsampled_size[0])), ups_mask) offsets = np.round(rng((2,)) * cell_size) mask = ups_mask[ int(offsets[0]) : int(image_size[0] + offsets[0]), int(offsets[1]) : int(image_size[1] + offsets[1]), ] batch_masks[i] = mask batch_inputs = full_batch_inputs[:current_batch_size] np.multiply(expand(batch_masks), expand(image, 0), out=batch_inputs) results = model.launch(batch_inputs) for mask, result in zip(batch_masks, results): result_labels, result_bboxes = self.split_outputs(result) confs.fill(0) if len(predicted_labels) != 0: for r in result_labels: idx = predicted_labels.get(r.label, None) if idx is not None: label_total_counts[idx] += 1 label_confs[idx] += r.attributes["score"] for r in result_bboxes: idx = predicted_labels.get(r.label, None) if idx is not None: label_total_counts[idx] += 1 label_confs[idx] += r.attributes["score"] if len(predicted_bboxes) != 0 and len(result_bboxes) != 0: if 0 < self.det_conf_thresh: result_bboxes = [ b for b in result_bboxes if self.det_conf_thresh <= b.attributes["score"] ] if 0 < self.nms_thresh: result_bboxes = nms(result_bboxes, self.nms_thresh) for detection in result_bboxes: for pred_idx, pred in enumerate(predicted_bboxes): if pred.label != detection.label: continue iou = pred.iou(detection) assert iou == -1 or 0 <= iou and iou <= 1 if iou < iou_thresh: continue bbox_total_counts[pred_idx] += 1 conf = detection.attributes["score"] bbox_confs[pred_idx] += conf np.multiply.outer(confs, mask, out=current_heatmaps) heatmaps += current_heatmaps if progressive: yield self.normalize_hmaps(heatmaps.copy(), total_counts) yield self.normalize_hmaps(heatmaps, total_counts)