
These commands are specific for Data Sources. Read more about them here.

Import Dataset

Datasets can be added to a Datumaro project with the import command, which adds a dataset link into the project and downloads (or copies) the dataset. If you need to add a dataset already copied into the project, use the add command.

Dataset format readers can provide some additional import options. To pass such options, use the -- separator after the main command arguments. The usage information can be printed with datum import -f <format> -- --help.

The list of currently available formats is listed in the command help output.

A dataset is imported by its URL. Currently, only local filesystem paths are supported. The URL can be a file or a directory path to a dataset. When the dataset is read, it is read as a whole. However, many formats can have multiple subsets like train, val, test etc. If you want to limit reading only to a specific subset, use the -r/--path parameter. It can also be useful when subset files have non-standard placement or names.

When a dataset is imported, the following things are done:

  • URL is saved in the project config
  • data in copied into the project

Each data source has a name assigned, which can be used in other commands. To set a specific name, use the -n/--name parameter.

The dataset is added into the working tree of the project. A new commit is not done automatically.


datum import [-h] [-n NAME] -f FORMAT [-r PATH] [--no-check]


  • <url> (string) - A file of directory path to the dataset.
  • -f, --format (string) - Dataset format
  • -r, --path (string) - A path relative to the source URL the data source. Useful to specify a path to a subset, subtask, or a specific file in URL.
  • --no-check - Don’t try to read the source after importing
  • -n, --name (string) - Name of the new source (default: generate automatically)
  • -p, --project (string) - Directory of the project to operate on (default: current directory).
  • -h, --help - Print the help message and exit.
  • -- <extra format args> - Additional arguments for the format reader (use -- -h for help). Must be specified after the main command arguments.

Example: create a project from images and annotations in different formats, export as TFrecord for TF Detection API for model training

# 'default' is the name of the subset below
datum create
datum import -f coco_instances -r annotations/instances_default.json path/to/coco
datum import -f cvat <path/to/cvat/default.xml>
datum import -f voc_detection -r custom_subset_dir/default.txt <path/to/voc>
datum import -f datumaro <path/to/datumaro/default.json>
datum import -f image_dir <path/to/images/dir>
datum export -f tf_detection_api -- --save-images

Add Dataset

Existing datasets can be added to a Datumaro project with the add command. The command adds a project-local directory as a data source in the project. Unlike the import command, it does not copy datasets and only works with local directories. The source name is defined by the directory name.

Dataset format readers can provide some additional import options. To pass such options, use the -- separator after the main command arguments. The usage information can be printed with datum add -f <format> -- --help.

The list of currently available formats is listed in the command help output.

A dataset is imported as a directory. When the dataset is read, it is read as a whole. However, many formats can have multiple subsets like train, val, test etc. If you want to limit reading only to a specific subset, use the -r/--path parameter. It can also be useful when subset files have non-standard placement or names.

The dataset is added into the working tree of the project. A new commit is not done automatically.


datum add [-h] -f FORMAT [-r PATH] [--no-check]


  • <url> (string) - A file of directory path to the dataset.
  • -f, --format (string) - Dataset format
  • -r, --path (string) - A path relative to the source URL the data source. Useful to specify a path to a subset, subtask, or a specific file in URL.
  • --no-check - Don’t try to read the source after importing
  • -p, --project (string) - Directory of the project to operate on (default: current directory).
  • -h, --help - Print the help message and exit.
  • -- <extra format args> - Additional arguments for the format reader (use -- -h for help). Must be specified after the main command arguments.

Example: create a project from images and annotations in different formats, export in YOLO for model training

datum create
datum add -f coco -r annotations/instances_train.json dataset1/
datum add -f cvat dataset2/train.xml
datum export -f yolo -- --save-images

Remove Datasets

To remove a data source from a project, use the remove command.


datum remove [-h] [--force] [--keep-data] [-p PROJECT_DIR] name [name ...]


  • <name> (string) - The name of the source to be removed (repeatable)
  • -f, --force - Do not fail and stop on errors during removal
  • --keep-data - Do not remove source data from the working directory, remove only project metainfo.
  • -p, --project (string) - Directory of the project to operate on (default: current directory).
  • -h, --help - Print the help message and exit.


datum create
datum import -f voc -n src1 <path/to/dataset/>
datum remove src1